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Purchase of VHP pass-through decontamination chamber



Statens Serum Institute (hereafter SSI) shall purchase a new VHP decontamination chamber (hereafter VHP chamber) to replace their current VHP chamber between BSL3 and BSL2 in the containment facility. Currently, SSI uses a temporary mobile VHP chamber to decontaminate materials as they exit BSL3. The building is designed for containment of biological materials of risk groups 1-3 and class 2 GMO. The current VHP chamber is a temporary solution and it needs to be replaced with an appropriate system for surface decontamination of various materials. SSI´s requirements for the new VHP chamber is further described in Appendix 1 requirement specification. The budget is approximately 4.4 million for the VHP chamber. The contract also includes a 2-year service agreement. The tender is expected to be published in June 2024 with contract signing in Q4. SSI seeks feedback on their requirement specification, and therefore encourages actors who would consider submitting a tender or have other relevant knowledge to review the requirement specification and provide relevant considerations. These considerations might involve assessing whether SSI´s requirements align with what the suppliers are capable of delivering for instance load fraction 13 (6.2.1 section 9) or if SSI has included significantly costly requirements. SSI are open to all feedback the actors can provide. Actors can submit their feedback until May 7, 2024, at 00:00 in the tendering system EU-Supply or send it directly to the procurement consultant Marie Mels Nielsen, mail: SSI will review the feedback before the publication of the public tender.


Publish date

11 months ago

Close date

10 months ago

Buyer information

Statens Serum Institut

Marie Mels Nielsen

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