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86429 - Preliminary Market Consultation-Cleethorpes Levelling Up Funding-Wayfinding



86429 - Preliminary Market Consultation-Cleethorpes Levelling Up Funding-Wayfinding To access the pre-market consultation document please visit the below link and search for "86429 - Preliminary Market Consultation-Cleethorpes Levelling Up Funding-Wayfinding": -- The objective of this PMC is to share with the market the Authority's ideas for Wayfinding in the resort of Cleethorpes, starting with the three projects listed in the back ground, and then potentially wider. We are looking to gather feedback on our ideas and to seek the potential for possible opportunities and innovation in the market (please refer to the questionnaire at the back of this document). Currently the Authority is considering undertaking two procurement exercises to deliver the Wayfinding project objectives: Procurement One Contract with a consultant to deliver a Resort Wayfinding Strategy and Design. The intention is that this will include a strategy for the wider resort and a design that can be incorporated across future wayfinding and signage within the Cleethorpes Resort. A map of the area to be considered as part of the Strategy and Design is included in Appendix 1. The Wayfinding Strategy will seek to improve the experiential quality of being in and navigating through the resort. The strategy will help people feel safe, comfortable, and confident in knowing where they are and being able to efficiently identify and then get to their chosen destination. The consultant will produce a list of SMART recommendations (with supporting evidence) outlining the needs of the resort. The consultant will need to show an understanding of sense of place and how people move to determine where and what type of intervention is needed. A combination of digital and physical signage should be a consideration. Using the information collected the consultant will create a report detailing all the above. As well as a clear signage strategy, creative wayfinding interventions that aid navigation (physical and digital) whilst improving peoples experience of the resort. This will be carried out in collaboration with NELC and their relevant project teams. The consultant will: • carry out an audit of existing town centre wayfinding signage through the production of a plan and supporting schedule. • review existing signage to identify issues and opportunities to inform the emerging Wayfinding Strategy proposals. • develop design proposals for new signage including signage elements, their distribution, and the information to be contained. • develop graphic design proposals for the base mapping for use on the appropriate signage elements. • carry out internal and external engagement inviting comments and feedback before finalising the Strategy; and • work with NELC to identify suitable signage manufacturers and assist in the development of tender documentation. -- Please visit the YOR Tender site for further information Lot 1: 86429 - Preliminary Market Consultation-Cleethorpes Levelling Up Funding-Wayfinding To access the pre-market consultation document please visit the below link and search for "86429 - Preliminary Market Consultation-Cleethorpes Levelling Up Funding-Wayfinding": -- The objective of this PMC is to share with the market the Authority's ideas for Wayfinding in the resort of Cleethorpes, starting with the three projects listed in the back ground, and then potentially wider. We are looking to gather feedback on our ideas and to seek the potential for possible opportunities and innovation in the market (please refer to the questionnaire at the back of this document). Currently the Authority is considering undertaking two procurement exercises to deliver the Wayfinding project objectives: Procurement One Contract with a consultant to deliver a Resort Wayfinding Strategy and Design. The intention is that this will include a strategy for the wider resort and a design that can be incorporated across future wayfinding and signage within the Cleethorpes Resort. A map of the area to be considered as part of the Strategy and Design is included in Appendix 1. The Wayfinding Strategy will seek to improve the experiential quality of being in and navigating through the resort. The strategy will help people feel safe, comfortable, and confident in knowing where they are and being able to efficiently identify and then get to their chosen destination. The consultant will produce a list of SMART recommendations (with supporting evidence) outlining the needs of the resort. The consultant will need to show an understanding of sense of place and how people move to determine where and what type of intervention is needed. A combination of digital and physical signage should be a consideration. Using the information collected the consultant will create a report detailing all the above. As well as a clear signage strategy, creative wayfinding interventions that aid navigation (physical and digital) whilst improving peoples experience of the resort. This will be carried out in collaboration with NELC and their relevant project teams. The consultant will: • carry out an audit of existing town centre wayfinding signage through the production of a plan and supporting schedule. • review existing signage to identify issues and opportunities to inform the emerging Wayfinding Strategy proposals. • develop design proposals for new signage including signage elements, their distribution, and the information to be contained. • develop graphic design proposals for the base mapping for use on the appropriate signage elements. • carry out internal and external engagement inviting comments and feedback before finalising the Strategy; and • work with NELC to identify suitable signage manufacturers and assist in the development of tender documentation. -- Please visit the YOR Tender site for further information


Publish date

12 months ago

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North East Lincolnshire Council


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