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Scotland's Railway - Scotland Civils Framework



1,300,000,000 GBP


Scotland's Railway is running a procurement event that will engage four (4) contractors in the delivery of Structures Renewals, Buildings, Enhancement, Geotechnical and Drainage works, across Scotland. The procurement shall be awarded under a nil value NR30 Framework Commission Agreement and be separated into three lots. The initial estimate of the value of works currently intended to be awarded under the Framework is approximately £900m over the effective period of the Framework. The Framework will be tendered as three lots with indicative values for the works to be included in each initial workbank of £100m (Lot A), £480m (Lot B) and £320m (Lot C). Scotland's Railway has provided for a total Framework value of £1.3 billion, taking into account emerging work, additional design and unplanned or emergency works which are yet to be identified but which may become necessary during the effective period. Lot 1: Scotland Civils Framework (Lot A) Lot A– Minor Civils Focus on smaller value building and civil interventions, and with an expertise in repairs to metallic structures works, across Scotland. Lot A has an initial indicative value over the effective life of the Framework of One Hundred Million Pounds (£100m) but as set out in the Procurement Documents this may extend to One Hundred and Fifty Million Pounds (£150m). Lot 2: Scotland Civils Framework (Lot B) Lot B – Buildings and Civils Focus on medium value building and civil interventions across Scotland. Workbank to be divided between 2 contractors. Lot B has an initial indicative value over the effective life of the Framework of Four Hundred and Eighty Million pounds (£480m) but as set out in the Procurement Documents this may extend to Seven Hundred and Thirty Million Pounds (£730m). Lot 3: Scotland Civils Framework (Lot C) Lot C – Geotechnical and Minor Civils Focus on earth works and drainage interventions and with an ability to deliver minor civils works across Scotland. Lot C has an initial indicative value over the effective life of the Framework of Three Hundred and Twenty Million pounds (£320m) but as set out in the Procurement Documents this may extend to Four Hundred and Twenty Million Pounds (£420m).


Publish date

a year ago

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a year ago

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