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Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism: Assessment and Diagnosis, NHS Talking Therapies and Crisis Services (SBS10239)



ABL Health Ltd, Arlson Psychological Services Ltd - trading as The Rooms of Knutsford, Clinical Partners Ltd, Chase Lodge Health Ltd, HelloSelf Ltd, Help 4 Psychology Services Limited, ICS Operations Limited t/a Xyla, ID Medical Group Ltd, Kooth Digital Health Limited, Mantle Psychology Ltd, Remote Medical International UK Ltd, Seven Care Services Limited, Speech and Language Therapy West Midlands Ltd, St Andrew’s Healthcare, The Autism Assessment Service Ltd, The Owl Centre Limited, ABL Health Ltd, Brent, Wandsworth and Westminster MIND, Clinical Partners Ltd, Chase Lodge Health Ltd, Everyturn Services Limited t/a Everyturn Mental Health, HelloSelf Ltd, Hammersmith and Fulham Association for Mental Health, ICS Operations Limited t/a Xyla, ID Medical Group Ltd, Kooth Digital Health Limited, Mantle Psychology Ltd, MIND in West Essex, Onebright Limited, Remote Medical International UK Ltd, Vita Health Solutions t/a Right Corecare Limited, Staff Partners Mental Health Limited, Sunderland Counselling Service, Self Help Services t/a The Big Life Company Limited, ABL Health Ltd, Birmingham Mind (Birmingham Association for Mental Health), Everyturn Services Limited t/a Everyturn Mental Health, ID Medical Group Ltd, Independence Support Ltd, MIND in West Essex


70,000,000 GBP


NHS Shared Business Services Limited (NHS SBS) act in an Agency capacity for and on behalf of its customers (Approved Organisations) - existing and new. These comprise of NHS and Social Care organisations (whether acting individually, or on behalf of, or together as members of any consortia) along with any other public or private sector bodies which NHS SBS authorises to use the resulting Framework. NHS Shared Business Services Limited (NHS SBS) intends to put in place a Framework Agreement for the provision of Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism: Assessment and Diagnosis, NHS Talking Therapies and Crisis Services to be used by NHS SBS Approved Organisations. Approved Organisations are NHS and Social Care organisations (whether acting individually, or on behalf of, or together as members of any consortia) or any combined authority, integrated care board, local authority, NHS England, NHS foundation trust, NHS trust or any other body listed as a "relevant authority" in the National Health Service Act 2006, which the Authority authorises to use the resulting Framework. Our Approved Organisation list can be found on: We are committed to working with suppliers who are dedicated to Sustainability and Social Value and there will be a significant weighting on these elements in the tender. Lot 1: Assessment and Diagnosis The Assessment and Diagnosis lot will include a range of services and clinical assessments used in the diagnosis of common mental health conditions, severe mental illness, and neurological conditions. The lot will also include provision for ongoing assessments. Services will be available for Children and Young People, Adults and Older People and will include, but are not limited to: • Neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism and ADHD • Coexisting frailty • Coexisting neurodevelopmental conditions • Common mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression • Children and Young People with multiple needs • Co-occurring drug or alcohol-use disorders, and other addiction disorders, including gambling • Eating disorders • Health and Social care • Learning disabilities • Psychiatric severe mental health illnesses such as psychosis or bipolar disorder This notice is an intention to conclude a framework agreement using the competitive process. The approximate lifetime value of the Framework is £70,000,000. All relevant authorities in England are eligible to call off services under this resulting framework agreement. The duration of the framework agreement is 4 years from commencement date. This is for new services to as a compliant route to market for existing services. Additional information: Under the Provider Selection Regime, the Authority reserves the right to reopen the competition to new bidders at any time throughout the lifecycle of this Framework.  Reopening will be advertised as required under PSR legislation and conducted via our sourcing portal using the same evaluation criteria for all bidder submissions. Lot 2: NHS Talking Therapies The NHS Talking Therapies lot is for the provision of NHS Talking Therapies, Counselling, and Psychotherapy. This lot must be delivered by a clinical workforce who are fully and appropriately trained and supervised. NHS Talking Therapies for anxiety and depression provide treatment for people with the following common mental health problems: • Agoraphobia • Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) • Depression • Generalised anxiety disorder • Health anxiety (hypochondriasis) • Mixed depression and anxiety (the term for sub-syndromal depression and anxiety, rather than both depression and anxiety) • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) • Panic disorder • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) • Social anxiety disorder • Specific phobias (such as heights, flying, spiders etc.) This notice is an intention to conclude a framework agreement using the competitive process. The approximate lifetime value of the Framework is £70,000,000. All relevant authorities in England are eligible to call off services under this resulting framework agreement. The duration of the framework agreement is 4 years from commencement date. This is for new services to as a compliant route to market for existing services. Lot 3: Crisis Services The Crisis Services lot is focused on relapse prevention, assisting Approved Organisations respond to patients including Children and Young People, Adults and Older People at times when their mental health and/or social situation has deteriorated to the point they are at considerable risk and require additional support to remain in their current accommodation and/or prevent further harm. Services provided under this lot are intended as an alternative to A&E or inpatient psychiatric admission and include, but are not limited to: • 24/7 telephone helplines • Crisis Home Treatment Teams (CRHTT) In addition, for Children and Young People: • 24/7 assessments and brief response • Extended hours intervention and community provision • Extended hours intensive community care This notice is an intention to conclude a framework agreement using the competitive process. The approximate lifetime value of the Framework is £70,000,000. All relevant authorities in England are eligible to call off services under this resulting framework agreement. The duration of the framework agreement is 4 years from commencement date. This is for new services to as a compliant route to market for existing services.


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2 days ago

Award date

2 days ago

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NHS Shared Business Services


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