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13445 - Children and Young People's Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service



Early Break


1,750,000 GBP


The core aim of this service is to deliver a range of interventions to educate and raise awareness of substance use (Tier 1), intervene early to divert people away from harmful use of substances (Tier 2) and where the use of substances is more deeply entrenched, to provide a range of specialist, evidence based treatment interventions (Tier 3) to enable individuals and their families to recover and sustain a life free from dependency. Lot 1: We are intending to award a contract to an existing provider following the direct award process C The contract period is 01/04/2025 - 31/03/2030 Additional information: The existing provider is satisfying the original contract and will likely satisfy the proposed contract to a sufficient standard.


Award date

21 days ago

Publish date


Buyer information

Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council

Lynda Brookes

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