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Further Competition for the provision of Care home services for older people and adults of working age whose primary support need is ageing-related. Long and short term services. (Lot 6 and Lot 7)



Agincourt Care Home Ltd, Altogether Care LLP (Weymouth Care home, Blenheim Care Home Ltd, Chalgrove Care Home Ltd, Cheriton Care Centre Ltd, Crecy Care Home Ltd, Gainsborough Care Home Ltd, Healthcare Homes (LSC) Limited (Ashley Court ), Healthcare Homes (LSC) Limited (Blanford Grange), Naseby Care Home Ltd, Trafalgar Care Ltd, Waterloo Care Home Ltd


304,000,000 GBP


Project Scope: Care Home Services will be procured with specific service categories to meet the needs of the Dorset population, see below table for a breakdown of the service categories: Service category number Service Category 1 Residential - medium level needs 2 Residential - high level needs 2a Specialist Residential - Advanced dementia and mental health 3 Nursing 4 Nursing - Advanced dementia and mental health 5 Advanced / Complex Nursing A Respite B End of Life Care (EOLC) This is a mixed procurement. A small element of these services could be health services, however as the main element of the requirement is residential care this dictates where it sits under procurement regulations. This means the procurement falls under the requirements of Public Contract Regulations 2015 and not those of The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. Working with tenderers (care home providers), who will deliver the care and support required, enables service and market development to better meet population needs. The strategy will be to purchase blocks of beds from providers, that secure this contract, who meet the requirements of the Council, the blocks will be split across the service categories by demand led intelligence. All tenderers, under this procurement of the call off contract, will be required to accept and agree to supply care home services at the published Council rates, for the service category which are determined with the fair cost of care and sustainable rates for the Council. The maximum project value of £304,000,000 is estimated based on Dorset Council's total annual spend on Care Home Placements for Older People outside of the existing contracts with Care South and Care Dorset. This is challenging to estimate as it is broken down by individual placement contracts over the whole period of 8 years, and the block contracts for providers for the period of 2 years + optional extensions of 1 year + 1 year. Additional information: The maximum total contract value of £304,000,000, over the 8 year term, is estimated based on Dorset Council's total annual spend on Care Home Placements for Older People outside of the existing contracts with Care South and Care Dorset.


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Dorset Council


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