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The repair of Pre-cast Concrete Panels, Metal Railings, and Stairways to Crescent Road Multi Storey Car Park





454,206.41 GBP


Tunbridge Wells Borough Council (TWBC) is looking to procure a suitable qualified contractor to carry out the following testing and concrete works. The precast cladding panels of the car park are spalling in various locations, particularly at the junctions of the handrail supports. The works will consist of completing repairs to the railings and their supports, testing the cladding panels and ramp enclosure panels, then effecting concrete repairs and protective coatings as necessary. In addition, works will be completed to the stairwells to prevent water penetration and to bring them up to a suitable standard. The site is at Crescent Road Multi Story Car Park, Crescent Road, Royal Tunbridge Wells, TN1 2LU.\r \r Tenderers interested in this opportunity should express their interest via the Kent Business Portal, once registered you will be able to express interest in the opportunity, and view and respond to the documents (Registration is free). \r \r Key Dates & Timeline for Procurement\r Tender release: Monday 5th August 2024\r Expression of Interest Deadline: 12:00pm Friday 16th August 2024\r Deadline for submission of completed tenders: 12:00pm Friday 23rd August 2024\r Evaluation: w/c 2nd Sept 2024\r Appointment of contractor: w/c Monday 1st October 2024


Award date

2 months ago

Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council

Louisa Coley

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