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Coras Iompair Eireann (CIE Utility) tenders and contracts

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Dublin 8, Ireland

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Coras Iompair Eireann (CIE Utility) tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 4 days ago


    time-iconClose date: 22/04/2025

    CIÉ is looking to digitalise their audit management processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness through automation of time and resource heavy administrative tasks along with improved planning, scheduling, monitoring and reporting. The software platf...

  • Open

    Published 3 years ago

    Assessment of legal cost accountants to include taxation costs QS

    time-iconClose date: 26/04/2025

    This is a call to competition by CIE for the procurement of Assessment of Legal Cost to include Taxation costs to CIE (the “Contract”). The Qualification system will be established to allow for a panel of experts provide party and party legal costs accou...

  • Open

    Published 3 years ago

    ICT Professional Services

    time-iconClose date: 21/04/2027

    CIE Group IT&T has an ongoing requirement for ICT Professional Services to cover its existing and future infrastructure, data, SAP, Project management, Networking and Security. The CIE Operating Companies (Irish Rail, Bus Éireann and Bus Átha Cliath) may...

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    Published 3 years ago

    Qualification System for ICT Professional Services

    time-iconClose date: 21/04/2027

Top suppliers to Coras Iompair Eireann (CIE Utility)

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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
EircomNo2View awards
Ernst and YoungNo2View awards
DPI Scanning Ireland ltdUnknown2View awards
Coca Cola HBC Ireland LimitedUnknown1View awards
Willis Towers WatsonNo1View awards

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