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Specialist Services Framework - Request for Information



FSCS is seeking to create a ‘Specialist Services’ framework to provide quick access to specialist expertise and support on an as-needed basis, with services including, but not limited to, specialist technical knowledge and advice, operationalising new rules, and resource augmentation – including in emerging and new areas of work not currently covered by FSCS. FSCS is undertaking an RFI to receive feedback and information from the market for provision of the services sought that will assist FSCS in its options analysis. The objectives for FSCS are to: •Gauge interest from the market to an FSCS framework •Understand market capability across the areas identified as being within scope. •Understand the expectations on FSCS in respect of ongoing engagement during the framework term. Lot 1: The purpose of the ‘Specialist Services’ framework is to provide FSCS with quick access to expertise, support or resource where the knowledge/skills are not readily available in-house. Examples of knowledge/skills that may be required are actuarial expertise, insolvency, recoveries assistance, insurance failures, loss adjusters, run-off processing capability such as Employers’ Liability, complex products, RECAL/Pension calculation expertise, fast response for large deposits failure, and forecasting and planning expertise. The framework needs to be flexible and able to provide quick, sometimes instant, access to technical and policy/regulatory expertise in new or emerging areas, or in products that may be covered by FSCS in the future. It should also be able to provide additional overflow for volumes that FSCS is unable to process through its ‘business as usual’ resourcing model.


Publish date

5 months ago

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Financial Services Compensation Scheme


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