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Provision of Independent Financial Advice for Staff



45,000 GBP


The University of Strathclyde is about to embark on a pension harmonisation process which will involve circa 1300 staff transferring from Strathclyde Pension Fund (SPF) into the University Superannuation Scheme (USS). To support this transfer, the University is offering all affected staff the opportunity of a session of up to 45 minutes (preferably in person on the University Campus) with an Independent Financial Adviser. Whilst the offer of a 45-minute financial advice appointment will be made to all 1300 affected staff, it is anticipated that only a portion of those staff will seek this advice. The University, therefore seeks expressions of interest from suppliers able to offer these services. Lot 1: Please refer to the previous for an overview of the requirement. Additional information is outlined below Whilst the offer of a 45-minute financial advice appointment will be made to all 1300 affected staff, it is anticipated that only a portion of those staff will seek this advice. Most of these staff are current members of the Strathclyde Pension Fund, and there are some who are not members of any pension scheme. The staff grouping comprises of various staff categories such as operational staff, trades staff (such as joiners, plumbers etc), technicians, library staff, and professional services staff. There is a wide spectrum of pension knowledge and overall financial understanding. In addition, there is a very wide range of length of pension membership and salary points. It is important to note that there is a significant proportion of this group of staff who do not use computers on a regular basis, may not access their work email account and may need support to access an online appointment. We wish to offer a financial advice appointment that is accessible, tailored, and useful for all staff, regardless of their role, financial awareness, or technology access. Staff who wish to access the service will be asked to confirm this by 1 April 2025, and meetings must take place before 1 May 2025; therefore, expressions of interest should only be noted by suppliers who can offer availability for a significant number of appointments prior to 1 May 2025. A full scope of service will be provided to those who are contacted for further engagement following receipt of their EOI. A high level overview of the service is noted below Suppliers must provide an user-friendly booking approach that allows staff to schedule their appointment together with provision for HR and Pension staff to support staff in scheduling appointments were required. Face to Face and online meeting availability to support staff as required with advisors who are trained to communicate with a diverse group of staff members, respecting different educational backgrounds and knowledge levels. The financial advice should be clear and straightforward and tailored to the individual. Advisers must be suitably qualified and experienced to offer advice.


Publish date

9 days ago

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University of Strathclyde

Sharon Griffin

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