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Smoking Cessation Service for the treatment of Tobacco Dependency for Inclusion Health Groups



Provider Selection Regime - Most Suitable Provider Surrey County Council has been awarded additional funding for stop smoking support services and commissioning a provider to deliver a community-based smoking cessation service to inclusion health groups across Surrey. Lot 1: Most Suitable Provider Route This will be published for a minimum of 14 days as per the requirements of the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulation 2023. This is to enable providers to approach the Authority and express their interest in being considered as the 'most suitable provider'. Surrey County Council are seeking a provider to deliver a smoking cessations service for the treatment of tobacco dependency for inclusion health groups across the county of Surrey. Around 113,000 adults (18+) smoke in Surrey. Smoking prevalence across Surrey in 2022 was 11.9%, compared to the 2011 value of 14.9%. Inclusion health groups are groups of people who are socially excluded and have a higher risk of poor health outcomes. People who are experiencing homelessness, drug and alcohol dependence, are vulnerable migrants, are part of the Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities, are sex workers, are in contact with the justice system, or are victims of modern slavery. This smoking cessation service will focus on a bespoke delivery model to Inclusion Health Groups across the county in a range of locations. The provider will increase the number of quit dates set and 4 week quits amongst these populations, where smoking rates are greatest and poorer outcomes are expected.


Publish date

4 months ago

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Surrey County Council

Danielle Bass

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