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The Education Authority (the Authority) on behalf of Libraries NI (the Client) invites Tenders for A Digital Lending Platform to include downloadable eBooks, eAudio books, eMagazines and eNewspapers ie the Digital Library Offer for a period of 24 months with the option to extend for period(s) of up to and including 24 months. Lot 1: The Education Authority (the Authority) on behalf of Libraries NI (the Client) invites Tenders for A Digital Lending Platform to include downloadable eBooks, eAudio books, eMagazines and eNewspapers ie the Digital Library Offer for a period of 24 months with the option to extend for period(s) of up to and including 24 months. Additional information: Tenderers should ensure they read and understand the documentation found in the CFT documents area of eTendersNI. . As a Public Sector Procurement organisation, EA must adhere to the Procurement Policy Notes, . This tender includes requirements relating to Human Rights, Modern Slavery, Supply Chain Resilience and Social Value and all tenders must meet the requirements detailed in the tender documentation to be compliant. . EA reserves the right to: . 1. Not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice.. 2. To make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the tendering competition.. To award (a) contract(s) in respect of any part(s) of the [services] covered by this notice..


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Education Authority Northern Ireland


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