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Miscellaneous business-related services tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published today

    Supplier Hosted Physical Records Management and File Tracking System

    price-tag-icon130,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 14/03/2025

    Tender bids are invited for the provision of ​a supplier Hosted Physical Records Management and File Tracking System to manage physical files in both offsite and onsite storage locations.​ The contract term is for 3 years with an option for a 4th year....

  • Open

    Published today

    GLA 82615 RE:FIT 5 - National Carbon and Energy Performance Contracting Framework

    time-iconClose date: 07/04/2025

    This procurement is being conducted under the open procedure pursuant to regulation 27 of the Public Contracts Regulations as amended (PCR 2015). The Greater London Authority (GLA) is seeking to appoint service providers for the provision of RE:FIT 5 Fram...

  • Open

    Published today


    time-iconClose date: 28/03/2025

    North Yorkshire Council (NYC) is working in partnership with The Ministry of Defence to develop a Community and Enterprise Centre on Shute Road at Catterick Garrison. The project will construct a multi - offering space, with commercial food and beverage /...

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  • Open

    Published today


    price-tag-icon1,640,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 28/03/2025

    North Yorkshire Council (NYC) is working in partnership with The Ministry of Defence to develop a Community and Enterprise Centre on Shute Road at Catterick Garrison. The project will construct a multi – offering space, with commercial food and beverage /...

  • Open

    Published today

    British Museum Construction Professional Services Consultancy Framework

    price-tag-icon46,100,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 30/12/2025

    The British Museum is seeking to create a Framework for the provision of Professional Services Consultancy to its Estates and Capital Projects Department. The Framework will have seven lots covering the following disciplines: 1. Project Management 2. Quan...

  • Open

    Published today

    GEM (Good Estate Management) Framework

    price-tag-icon180,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 01/04/2025

    The GEM (Good Estate Management) Framework has been specifically designed to help educational settings with professional schools’ procurement and estate management. Lot 2: Lot 2 - Capital Projects up to GBP 250,000 Capital projects up to GBP 250,000 invol...

  • Open

    Published today


    time-iconClose date: 28/03/2025

    North Yorkshire Council (NYC) is working in partnership with The Ministry of Defence to develop a Community and Enterprise Centre on Shute Road at Catterick Garrison. The project will construct a multi – offering space, with commercial food and beverage /...

  • Open

    Published today

    Norwich Bus Station and Park and Ride Sites

    time-iconClose date: 07/03/2025

    The proposed contract(s) are for the provision of Park and Ride site maintenance and Norwich Bus Station Operational Management and Site and Premises Maintenance. There are 6 Norwich Park and Ride sites which provide frequent bus services to No...

  • Open

    Published 2 days ago

    Welsh Government Business Travel and Accommodation Contract

    price-tag-icon8,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 02/04/2025

    The Client wishes to establish a contract for the supply of Business Travel & Accommodation solutions. The contract term will be for 2 years, plus a two year and an additional one year optional extension periods available to the Client. Lot 1: The succes...

  • Open

    Published 2 days ago

    Collection, Scanning, Digitisation and Secure Destruction of Confidential HR and Occupational Health

    time-iconClose date: 24/03/2025

    Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Authority is seeking quotations from suppliers for the collection, scanning, digitisation and secure destruction of confidential HR and Occupational Health filing records.The Service has progressed towards electronic Hum...

  • Open

    Published 2 days ago

    Welsh Government Business Travel and Accommodation Contract

    price-tag-icon8,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 02/04/2025

    The Client wishes to establish a contract for the supply of Business Travel & Accommodation solutions. The contract term will be for 2 years, plus a two year and an additional one year optional extension periods available to the Client. Lot 1: The succes...

  • Open

    Published 2 days ago

    Contract for the Provision of Removals, Transfer of Furniture/Equipment, Disposal and Storage

    time-iconClose date: 26/03/2025

    CDD Services on behalf of County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust and Tees Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust have a requirement for the provision of Removals, Transfer of Furniture/Equipment, Disposal and Storage. This opportunity is...

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