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CAT-24-008 Cooking Equipment for EDUCATION AUTHORITY



The EA invites tenders for the Framework CAT-24-008 Cooking Equipment. The Framework is divided into four Lots as follows: • Lot 1 General Cooking and Convection Ovens, Lot 2 Bratt Pans, Boiling Pans and Free Standing Fryers, Lot 3 High Speed Ovens and Lot 4 Multi-Functional Cooking Devices. A maximum of 3 Contractors will be awarded a place on each Lot. Tenderers may bid for and be appointed to one or more Lots. Lot 1: Lot 1 General Cooking and Convection Ovens The EA invites tenders for the Framework CAT-24-008 Cooking Equipment. The Framework is divided into four Lots as follows: • Lot 1 General Cooking and Convection Ovens, Lot 2 Bratt Pans, Boiling Pans and Free Standing Fryers, Lot 3 High Speed Ovens and Lot 4 Multi-Functional Cooking Devices. A maximum of 3 Contractors will be awarded a place on each Lot. Tenderers may bid for and be appointed to one or more Lots. Additional information: The Client cannot guarantee any particular level of business within the Framework Agreement. Any. information on previous volumes or value of business are for guidance only and no guarantee is given as to the exact value under this. Framework. Any levels or aggregate values of goods referred to are indicative only and shall not be binding on the Client. The EA reserves. the right to move value between the Lots as required, however, the overarching value will not exceed £5,000,000 (ex VAT) or £6,030,000. (inc VAT) Lot 2: Lot 2 Bratt Pans, Boiling Pans and Free Standing Fryers The EA invites tenders for the Framework CAT-24-008 Cooking Equipment. The Framework is divided into four Lots as follows: • Lot 1 General Cooking and Convection Ovens, Lot 2 Bratt Pans, Boiling Pans and Free Standing Fryers, Lot 3 High Speed Ovens and Lot 4 Multi-Functional Cooking Devices. A maximum of 3 Contractors will be awarded a place on each Lot. Tenderers may bid for and be appointed to one or more Lots. Additional information: The Client cannot guarantee any particular level of business within the Framework Agreement. Any. information on previous volumes or value of business are for guidance only and no guarantee is given as to the exact value under this. Framework. Any levels or aggregate values of goods referred to are indicative only and shall not be binding on the Client. The EA reserves. the right to move value between the Lots as required, however, the overarching value will not exceed £5,000,000 (ex VAT) or £6,030,000. (inc VAT) Lot 3: Lot 3 High Speed Ovens The EA invites tenders for the Framework CAT-24-008 Cooking Equipment. The Framework is divided into four Lots as follows: • Lot 1 General Cooking and Convection Ovens, Lot 2 Bratt Pans, Boiling Pans and Free Standing Fryers, Lot 3 High Speed Ovens and Lot 4 Multi-Functional Cooking Devices. A maximum of 3 Contractors will be awarded a place on each Lot. Tenderers may bid for and be appointed to one or more Lots. Additional information: The Client cannot guarantee any particular level of business within the Framework Agreement. Any. information on previous volumes or value of business are for guidance only and no guarantee is given as to the exact value under this. Framework. Any levels or aggregate values of goods referred to are indicative only and shall not be binding on the Client. The EA reserves. the right to move value between the Lots as required, however, the overarching value will not exceed £5,000,000 (ex VAT) or £6,030,000. (inc VAT) Lot 4: Lot 4 Multi-Functional Cooking Devices The EA invites tenders for the Framework CAT-24-008 Cooking Equipment. The Framework is divided into four Lots as follows: • Lot 1 General Cooking and Convection Ovens, Lot 2 Bratt Pans, Boiling Pans and Free Standing Fryers, Lot 3 High Speed Ovens and Lot 4 Multi-Functional Cooking Devices. A maximum of 3 Contractors will be awarded a place on each Lot. Tenderers may bid for and be appointed to one or more Lots. Additional information: The Client cannot guarantee any particular level of business within the Framework Agreement. Any. information on previous volumes or value of business are for guidance only and no guarantee is given as to the exact value under this. Framework. Any levels or aggregate values of goods referred to are indicative only and shall not be binding on the Client. The EA reserves. the right to move value between the Lots as required, however, the overarching value will not exceed £5,000,000 (ex VAT) or £6,030,000. (inc VAT)


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Education Authority Northern Ireland


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