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WCC - Accommodation Related Support Services - AWARD



People, Potential, Possibilities, ST BASIL'S


19,264,520 GBP


Warwickshire County Council (the Council) is seeking to commission a single or multiple providers to provide Accommodation Related Support Services (ARS) for; Lot 1 Children and Young People Accommodation Related Support Services and Lot 2 Adult Accommodation Related Support Services. Bidders may submit tenders for either or both Lots. If bidders are submitting for both Lots a separate submission must be made for each Lot. WCC are willing to consider proposed options for delivering these services such as a single provider, consortium bids or a lead provider model, inclusive of the three types of accommodation related support services which includes; Information and advice, Floating support and Accommodation-based support. All staff will be suitably trained and experienced to deliver a strength based restorative approach using trauma informed practice and psychologically informed environment. Please note all lists are indicative and not exhaustive. ARS services will provide short-term accessible, good quality and cost-effective services that promote independence and social inclusion, complementing other services and reduce or prevent the need for access to crisis and high-cost statutory services. ARS services will support young people and adults who face multiple disadvantages and vulnerabilities to enable them to attain the skills required to be able to gain and/or maintain a tenancy and live independently in the community. The provider will support Customers to prevent homelessness and promote independence. It is expected that the needs of customers with disabilities and those with more intensive support needs will be met within these services.


Publish date

8 months ago

Award date

in 17 days

Buyer information

Warwickshire County Council

Heather Boyd

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