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Adult Advocacy Services



Voiceability Advocacy


7,326,660 GBP


Warwickshire County Council and Coventry City Council are jointly commissioning a service for a single provider to deliver a suite of advocacy services that helps people to be safe, healthy and independent, with the most vulnerable members of their communities able to access support when they need it. Lot 1: The Adult Advocacy Service aims to deliver a suite of advocacy services that support vulnerable members of the community to be safe, healthy, and independent. The services outlined within this specification are one way we strive to achieve this aim and vision. Independent NHS Complaints Advocacy Service - (Warwickshire Only): - To deliver statutory client centered advocacy services to individuals who meet the eligibility criteria that are designed to empower those who wish to resolve a complaint about healthcare commissioned and/or provided by the NHS in England. Independent Mental Health Advocacy IMHA - Consisting of: Statutory IMHA: - Cases will concern people who are qualifying patients within the Mental Health Acts 1983 and 2007 and IMHA regulations 2008, either formally detained in hospital, or people on a Community Treatment Order, or under guardianship. Statutory IMHA patients will therefore be people treated both in hospital and / or in community settings. Informal in-patient IMHA: - Services will be offered to inpatients within mental health hospitals, who are not under legal detention under the Mental Health Acts, but who are inpatients receiving or being considered for treatments and are requiring safeguards Community IMHA Community IMHA (non-statutory) will support clients who are undergoing specialist mental health treatment within the community, and who require support and safeguards in order to remain as independent as possible. General Health Advocacy Service (Warwickshire Only): To deliver time limited NHS advocacy services for individuals who meet the eligibility criteria, to empower and enable individuals to maintain their independence and quality of life and seek to de-escalate potential crisis through early intervention and prevention approaches. Care Act Advocacy duties for Section 67 and Section 68: To deliver an advocacy service for individuals who meet the eligibility criteria and require advocacy support to enable them to fully participate in their Assessment, Care and Support Planning, Adult Safeguarding and Reviewing enquiry process. IMCA (Mental Capacity Act 2005): - To deliver a service to individuals who meet the eligibility criteria, that lack the capacity to make specific important decisions, including making decisions about where they live and about serious medical treatment options. Hospital Advocacy (Warwickshire Only): To deliver services to individuals within Warwickshire hospitals to support effective and timely discharge and ensure involvement is in line with people's rights Additional information: The contract will be for 3 years with the option to extend for a minimum of 3 years up to a maximum of 84 months at the discretion of the Council based on the contract performance of the successful applicant. The maximum end date with extensions will be 31st March 2035


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a month ago

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Warwickshire County Council

Manjit Nagra

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