Turner School Multi Academy Trust tenders and contracts
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Decision makers at Turner School Multi Academy Trust
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Chief Officer
C-level & Execs
Director of Finance and Operations
Redacted nameFinance, HR & Training, IT & Digital, Legal & Compliance, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of People
Redacted nameHR & Trainingredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Governance
Redacted nameHR & Training, Legal & Complianceredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891
Marketing and Communications Manager
Redacted nameMarketing, Communications & Salesredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Estates
Redacted nameLegal & Compliance, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of ICT
Redacted nameIT & Digitalredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891
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Buyers with similar tenders
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- The White Horse Federation
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- Potters Green Primary School
- Beeches Learning and Development Trust
- Challney High School for Girls
- Holy Trinity School
- Buckler's Mead Academy
- Cleeve School
- St Katherines School
- Pathfinder Schools
- Castle School
- Gillotts School
- Bishop Challoner Catholic Federation of Schools
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Stotles aggregates data from every government procurement data source into one platform. Explore the sources Turner School Multi Academy Trust and thousands more publish contracts to below.