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Auditing services



250,000 GBP


Partnerships for Forests (P4F) supports investment models in which the private sector, public sector and communities can achieve improved returns from sustainable forests and sustainable land use. Through grants and technical assistance, the programme helps selected partners move through the stages required to get to market. The 8-year programme is funded by the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), as part of its commitment to help countries mitigate and adapt to climate change. FCDO has contracted Palladium to manage the GBP 56 million P4F technical assistance and grant-making facility. P4F currently operates in five ‘P4F Regions’: East Africa, West and Central Africa, South East Asia, Latin America and Global. P4F is procuring an Auditor for all of the regions where P4F operates. The objective of this assignment is for the auditor to carry out the specific tasks listed in the scope of the assignment (detail in ITT) and upon completion to submit to Palladium a report of factual findings. The auditor will provide an overall assessment of whether the grant or subcontract was expended in accordance with the terms of its grant agreement or subcontract by the partner. The objective of this assignment is for the auditor to carry out the specific tasks listed in the scope of the assignment (detail in the ITT) and upon completion to submit to Palladium a report of factual findings. The Auditor will provide an overall assessment of whether the grant or subcontract was expended in accordance with the terms of its grant agreement or subcontract by the partner. The objective of this assignment is for the auditor to carry out the specific tasks listed in the scope of the assignment (detail in the ITT) and upon completion to submit to Palladium a report of factual findings. The Auditor will provide an overall assessment of whether the Grant or Subcontract was expended in accordance with the terms of its Grant Agreement or Subcontract by the partner. The objective of this assignment is for the Auditor to carry out the specific tasks listed in the Scope of the assignment (detail in the ITT) and upon completion to submit to Palladium a report of factual findings. The Auditor will provide an overall assessment of whether the Grant or Subcontract was expended in accordance with the terms of its Grant Agreement or Subcontract by the partner. The objective of this assignment is for the Auditor to carry out the specific tasks listed in the scope of the assignment (detail in the ITT) and upon completion to submit to Palladium a report of factual findings. The auditor will provide an overall assessment of whether the grant or subcontract was expended in accordance with the terms of its grant agreement or subcontract by the partner.


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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Palladium International Ltd

Charlotte Woodland

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