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Support for ASEAN evidence-based NDC updates and development of long-term climate strategies



250,000 GBP


Palladium as the delivery partner for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) funded UK Partnering for Accelerate Climate Transitions (UK PACT) programme invites you to submit a quotation for the services detailed in this Request For Quotation. Please forward your quote in accordance with the Details for Submission above by the Close Date and Time. This RFQ includes the following materials: Schedule 1 - Terms of Reference Schedule 2 - Instructions for submission Schedule 3 - Budget and workplan template (Excel attachment) Schedule 4 - Terms and Conditions Summary As part of the ASEAN Member State's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) updates for 2025, the ASEAN Green Transition Fund within UK PACT is committed to provide support through a project to ensure a raised climate ambition in the region based on robust evidence and with a sound resource mobilisation plan. As part of this effort, this RFQ seeks to identify a supplier to support engagement with the ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change (AWGCC), Environment Division and ASEAN Secretariat. The supplier will to design, facilitate and deliver series of capacity building and experience sharing workshops for AWGCC national focal points and Timor Leste. Interested suppliers should review this RFQ pack, and submit the below documents to with the subject line: RFQ Submission - [Supplier name] ASEAN GTF • RFQ Response form • Budget and Workplan Template • CVs of key experts or personnel


Publish date

5 months ago

Close date

5 months ago

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Palladium International Ltd


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