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London Borough of Havering - Compliance Works & Services



80,000,000 GBP


London Borough of Havering is looking to procure suitable providers to deliver Compliance Works and Services across six Lots: a) Lot 1 – Asbestos Surveys b) Lot 2 – Asbestos Works c) Lot 3 – Fire Risk Assessments d) Lot 4 – Fire Servicing, Maintenance and Minor Works e) Lot 5 – Lift Servicing & Maintenance f) Lot 6 – Water Hygiene The contract will be for an initial term of ten years with optional extensions of a maximum further five years to 31st March 2040 Lot 1: Asbestos Surveys London Borough of Havering are seeking expressions of interest from suitably skilled and experienced suppliers to deliver Asbestos Surveys. Within scope of this Contract is delivery of asbestos management surveys, bulk sampling and analysis and re-inspection. All responsibility in relation to identification and management of asbestos shall be the Providers. In addition, the Provider will be responsible for holding, maintaining and updating the asbestos register as set out in the Term Brief – Information and Communications Technology. The successful provider will enter into contract with London Borough of Havering utilising a TAC-1 for an initial term of ten years, with a maximum optional extension of five years. London Borough of Havering are following the open procurement procedure in accordance with the Public Contracts Register 2015. Full information can be found in the attached tender documentation. Additional information: Havering are procuring a series of contracts which may work under a Strategic Alliance to deliver, reactive, cyclical and programmes work to Havering properties to support them in delivering their ambition of carbon neutrality by 2040. should the strategic Alliance be formed, there will be a need for the Provider to work both with and in a sub-contract arrangement for some of these other Providers Lot 2: Asbestos Works London Borough of Havering are seeking expressions of interest from suitably skilled and experienced suppliers to deliver Asbestos works and removals. The services required by this contract include asbestos repair, encapsulation and removal. All responsibility in relation to identification and management of asbestos shall be the Providers. In addition, the Provider will be responsible for holding, maintaining and updating the asbestos register as set out in the Term Brief – Information and Communications Technology The successful provider will enter into contract with London Borough of Havering utilising a TAC-1 for an initial term of ten years, with a maximum optional extension of five years. London Borough of Havering are following the open procurement procedure in accordance with the Public Contracts Register 2015. Full information can be found in the attached tender documentation. Additional information: Havering are procuring a series of contracts which may work under a Strategic Alliance to deliver, reactive, cyclical and programmes work to Havering properties to support them in delivering their ambition of carbon neutrality by 2040. should the strategic Alliance be formed, there will be a need for the Provider to work both with and in a sub-contract arrangement for some of these other Providers Lot 3: Fire Risk Assessments London Borough of Havering are seeking expressions of interest from suitably skilled and experienced suppliers to deliver Fire Risk Assessments. The services required by this contract include delivery of Fire Risk Assessments (FRAs) in Havering properties. The successful provider will enter into contract with London Borough of Havering utilising a TAC-1 for an initial term of ten years, with a maximum optional extension of five years. London Borough of Havering are following the open procurement procedure in accordance with the Public Contracts Register 2015. Full information can be found in the attached tender documentation. Additional information: Havering are procuring a series of contracts which may work under a Strategic Alliance to deliver, reactive, cyclical and programmes work to Havering properties to support them in delivering their ambition of carbon neutrality by 2040. should the strategic Alliance be formed, there will be a need for the Provider to work both with and in a sub-contract arrangement for some of these other Providers Lot 4: Fire Servicing, Maintenance and Minor Works London Borough of Havering are seeking expressions of interest from suitably skilled and experienced suppliers to deliver Compliance works. The services required by this contract includes but is not limited to: a) Automatic Opening Vents b) CO, heat and smoke alarms c) Emergency lighting d) Fire detection and alarms e) Fire dampers f) Fire Door Checks g) Fire extinguishers and other firefighting equipment h) Lightning protection systems i) Risers j) Sprinklers. k) Minor adhoc remedials The successful provider will enter into contract with London Borough of Havering utilising a TAC-1 for an initial term of ten years, with a maximum optional extension of five years. London Borough of Havering are following the open procurement procedure in accordance with the Public Contracts Register 2015. Full information can be found in the attached tender documentation Additional information: Havering are procuring a series of contracts which may work under a Strategic Alliance to deliver, reactive, cyclical and programmes work to Havering properties to support them in delivering their ambition of carbon neutrality by 2040. should the strategic Alliance be formed, there will be a need for the Provider to work both with and in a sub-contract arrangement for some of these other Providers Lot 5: Lift Servicing & Maintenance London Borough of Havering are seeking expressions of interest from suitably skilled and experienced suppliers to deliver Lift Servicing and Maintenance. The services required by this contract includes, but is not limited to: a) Routine maintenance, repair and adjustment of any part of the lift should it fail or be worn beyond adequate adjustment. Any replacements or repairs shall be of a standard equal to the original installation. b) All technical and associated administrative actions that will maintain the lifts in a condition where they can perform their required function (materials included except where excluded as a variation) c) Ensuring the safe and efficient operation of the lift/lifts, the Provider shall clean, lubricate, adjust, realign, replace consumable parts, carry out further investigations, detailed checks using special tools and basic fault finding. d) All lift equipment located within the lift well, machine room and on landings etc. e) All lighting (including emergency lighting function monthly test) associated with the lifts, lift well, machine room and lift car enclosure (including replacing lamps where required). The successful provider will enter into contract with London Borough of Havering utilising a TAC-1 for an initial term of ten years, with a maximum optional extension of five years. London Borough of Havering are following the open procurement procedure in accordance with the Public Contracts Register 2015. Full information can be found in the attached tender documentation. Additional information: Havering are procuring a series of contracts which may work under a Strategic Alliance to deliver, reactive, cyclical and programmes work to Havering properties to support them in delivering their ambition of carbon neutrality by 2040. should the strategic Alliance be formed, there will be a need for the Provider to work both with and in a sub-contract arrangement for some of these other Providers Lot 6: Water Hygiene London Borough of Havering are seeking expressions of interest from suitably skilled and experienced suppliers to deliver Compliance works. The services required by this contract include Legionella testing and remedial works. The successful provider will enter into contract with London Borough of Havering utilising a TAC-1 for an initial term of ten years, with a maximum optional extension of five years. London Borough of Havering are following the open procurement procedure in accordance with the Public Contracts Register 2015. Full information can be found in the attached tender documentation Additional information: Havering are procuring a series of contracts which may work under a Strategic Alliance to deliver, reactive, cyclical and programmes work to Havering properties to support them in delivering their ambition of carbon neutrality by 2040. should the strategic Alliance be formed, there will be a need for the Provider to work both with and in a sub-contract arrangement for some of these other Providers


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London Borough of Havering

Shelley Wood

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