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Commercial and Industrial Waste Survey for Northern Ireland



WRAP, on behalf of DAERA, wishes to procure a Commercial and Industrial Waste Survey for Northern Ireland, closely mirroring in methodology and outputs the work conducted in Wales in 2018. The main aims of the project are to determine how much waste from C&I businesses in Northern Ireland was produced by waste type (EWC code and SOC) and sector (SIC code) and how that waste was managed during the 2024 calendar year. The successful tenderer will be contracted to commence work in Q1 of the 2025/26 calendar year, with a proposed indicative project delivery time frame of 12 months from inception, with an optional extension by a further 6 months (subject to agreement and deliverables). It is anticipated value in the range of £400,000-£645,000. The objectives of this work are: To procure business breakdown and contact details, construct an appropriate sampling frame and survey a sample – representative by sector (SIC code) and business size – of businesses across Northern Ireland. It is not possible to confirm the exact number of companies that will be targeted in the sample frame prior to the statistical work being undertaken by the successful contractor in scoping and developing sample frame options. Therefore, tenderers are requested to provide an estimated price based on 1,500 surveys. To provide WRAP and DAERA with robust data on the quantity of solid waste (including material entering preparation for reuse) arising from businesses in the Commercial and Industrial sectors in 2024. To provide a breakdown of the waste arising by industrial sector and commercial sector, and by each of the major subsectors within Northern Ireland. To provide detailed analysis of the composition of the waste arising by sector and subsector, using an approach based on the Subject Oriented Classification (SOC) approach based on European Waste Catalogue (EWC) codes. To provide a breakdown of the waste management end destinations (e.g. preparation for reuse, recycling, composting, energy from waste or landfill) of waste arising by sector, subsector and SOC. Lot 1: WRAP, on behalf of DAERA, wishes to procure a Commercial and Industrial Waste Survey for Northern Ireland, closely mirroring in methodology and outputs the work conducted in Wales in 2018. The main aims of the project are to determine how much waste from C&I businesses in Northern Ireland was produced by waste type (EWC code and SOC) and sector (SIC code) and how that waste was managed during the 2024 calendar year. The successful tenderer will be contracted to commence work in Q1 of the 2025/26 calendar year, with a proposed indicative project delivery time frame of 12 months from inception, with an optional extension by a further 6 months (subject to agreement and deliverables). It is anticipated value in the range of £400,000-£645,000. The objectives of this work are: To procure business breakdown and contact details, construct an appropriate sampling frame and survey a sample – representative by sector (SIC code) and business size – of businesses across Northern Ireland. It is not possible to confirm the exact number of companies that will be targeted in the sample frame prior to the statistical work being undertaken by the successful contractor in scoping and developing sample frame options. Therefore, tenderers are requested to provide an estimated price based on 1,500 surveys. To provide WRAP and DAERA with robust data on the quantity of solid waste (including material entering preparation for reuse) arising from businesses in the Commercial and Industrial sectors in 2024. To provide a breakdown of the waste arising by industrial sector and commercial sector, and by each of the major subsectors within Northern Ireland. To provide detailed analysis of the composition of the waste arising by sector and subsector, using an approach based on the Subject Oriented Classification (SOC) approach based on European Waste Catalogue (EWC) codes. To provide a breakdown of the waste management end destinations (e.g. preparation for reuse, recycling, Additional information: To respond to this opportunity please click here:


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2 months ago

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16 days ago

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Waste and Resources Action Programme

Natasha Rook

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