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Stale pre-tender

Repair, maintenance and associated services related to railways and other equipment



This tender will identify a single supplier to develop a detailed design of a liquid-based dust suppression system for operation with supply chain operation’s fleet of autoballaster wagons. The contracted supplier will also support Network Rail to deliver a trial of the system (lasting c. 3 months) and enhance the fleet of wagons following acceptance of the outcomes of the trial. It is Network Rail’s intention to work collaboratively with the supplier during the trial phase to ensure the system developed effectively reduces airborne dust particles to ALARP. The quantity of wagons to be enhanced is forecast 344 (240 HQA wagons, 104 JJA wagons); however, it is recognized that there is potential to reduce the volume to 240 (all HQA wagons) should there be budgetary constraints, the requirement to realise a financial efficiency or changing forecast utilization for the wagons during CP6. The project will reduce the health and safety risks – including visibility and exposure to Repairable Crystalline Silica (RCS) — associated with dust liberation during the delivery of ballast to worksites by enhancing Network Rail’s fleet of autoballaster wagons with an effective liquid dust suppression system. The quantity of wagons to be enhanced is forecast 344 (240 HQA wagons, 104 JJA wagons); however, it is recognised that there is potential to reduce the volume to 240 (HQA wagons) should there be budgetary constraints, the requirement to realise a financial efficiency or changing forecast utilization for the wagons during CP6. A supplier is required to develop a detailed design, support Network Rail to deliver a trial of the system (lasting c. 3 months) and enhance the fleet of wagons with an approved design. It is anticipated that the project shall comprise 3 main phases, and thus the scope of the project is threefold. Phase 1 Develop a detailed design and obtain all relevant approvals and certification for mainline operation Phase 2 Install the approved design on one rake of wagons (5 wagons), provide suitable training to staff; Support supply chain operation's to deliver an operational trial, consisting of multiple operational shifts and procedural checks over a period of circa 3 months, by refining the solution through minor adjustment and providing operational support to Network Rail staff during operation and maintenance activity. Phase 3 Deliver a rolling fitment programme to install the accepted design to the remaining 339 wagons. As the project has a considerable design element, it is expected that the awarded supplier would collaborate with a dedicated designer to develop the detailed design for this project. This element of the project would be at an anticipated cost of c. GBP 250 000 (this figure is based on other similar projects conducted within supply chain operations).


Publish date

4 years ago

Buyer information

Network Rail


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