Oaklands College tenders and contracts
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St. albans, United Kingdom
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Further and Higher EducationAgriculture & Horticulture College
Oaklands College tenders & contracts
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Decision makers at Oaklands College
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Chief Officer
C-level & Execs
Director of Inclusion & Progression
Redacted nameHR & Training, Marketing, Communications & Sales, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Marketing & Admissions
Redacted nameMarketing, Communications & Sales, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Estates & IT
Redacted nameLegal & Compliance, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Curriculum
Redacted nameHR & Training, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Deputy Principal Strategy, Partnership & Business
Redacted nameMarketing, Communications & Sales, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of High Education
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Vice Principal-Quality, Innovation & Digital Trans
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Vice Principal HR & Organisational Development
Redacted nameHR & Trainingredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Faculty
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Dep Principal-Crrclm, Performance & Stdnt Exp
Redacted nameEducator, Operations, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Dep Principal-Finance,Resources & College Planning
Redacted nameFinance, Operations, Procurementredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Curriculum
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891
Head of Apprenticeships & Work-Based Learning
Redacted nameService Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Admissions
Redacted nameAdmin & Support, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of MIS
Redacted nameIT & Digitalredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891HE Manager
Redacted nameEducator, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Additional Learning Support Coordinator
Redacted nameService Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Quality Improvement & Teacher Education
Redacted nameEducator, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Business & Media, Music & Performing Arts
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of GCSEs
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Clerk to the Corporation
Redacted nameAdmin & Support, Legal & Compliance, Operations, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Finance
Redacted nameFinanceredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Construction Crafts & Motor Vehicles
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891ICT Co-ordinator
Redacted nameEducator, IT & Digitalredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Facilities Manager
Redacted nameIT & Digital, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Residential
Redacted nameOperationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Springfield & Supported Learning
Redacted nameEducator, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Systems & IT Development
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Engineering
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Sports & Public Services
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of ESOL & EFL
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of A Level's
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Skill
Redacted nameEducator, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Construction Curriculum Manager
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Nursery Manager
Redacted nameOperationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Business Development Manager
Redacted nameMarketing, Communications & Salesredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Land Based Work Based Learning
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Exams & Achievement Manager
Redacted nameService Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891
Top suppliers to Oaklands College
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Supplier name | SME? | Number of awards | View awards |
Enterprise Support Services UK Ltd | Yes | 2 | View awards |
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