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NEPO307 Liquid Fuels



120,000,000 GBP


NEPO are using an Open procedure for the procurement of this framework agreement The opportunity can be accessed via the NEPO eTendering system. The Framework Agreement is divided into 10 individual lots. Five of the Framework lots cover the petrol requirements of the Framework agreement, with the other five lots including the requirements of Diesel, Gasoil, Kerosene, Adblue and HVO. Eight of these lots consider a specific Sub-Region in the North East, while the final two lots consider national Framework usage. NEPO intend to award two suppliers to each lot. For Lots 1 - 7, the first supplier will be the Primary Supplier (Rank One) and the second ranked Supplier will be the Contingency Supplier (Rank Two). Orders will only be placed with the Contingency Supplier should the Primary Supplier be unable to deliver. For Lots 8 - 10, no ranking will be in place, with the highest scoring suppliers awarded. Customers will be required to conduct further competition within Lots 8, 9 and 10 in order to call off from the Framework. The opportunity can be accessed via the NEPO eTender system (Open). Suppliers wishing to be considered for this Framework Contract must register their expression of interest and submit the selection questionnaire and tender response through the Open eTendering System. If not already registered, suppliers should register on the Open eTendering System at Selection Questionnaire and Tender responses must be submitted using the link above. Selection Questionnaire and Tender responses submitted via postal or email methods will not be accepted. If you need technical assistance from the Open Support team, this can be requested via PLEASE NOTE: Open is accessible 24/7 however, technical support is available Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 5pm and Friday 8.30 - 4.30pm For guidance on how to submit your response through Open, please visit to access the available Training Guides. Additional information: The agreement will be available for use by all NEPO Members. A list of member organisations is available in the About section of the NEPO website at: This agreement will also be made available to all current and future NEPO Associate Members. Current Associate Members are listed in the Associate Member section of the NEPO website at: NEPO intends to make the resulting agreement available for use by all Contracting Authorities throughout all administrative regions of the UK (as defined by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015) including but not limited to Government Departments and their Agencies, Non-Departmental Public Bodies, Central Government, NHS Bodies, Local Authorities, Emergency Services, Coastguard Emergency Services, Educational Establishments, Registered Social Landlords and Registered Charities. A complete list of permissible users is shown on the NEPO website below: Organisations wishing to access the NEPO agreement will be required to register as a NEPO Associate Member in the first instance. Further information can be found at:


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Association Of North East Councils

Laura Kyle

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