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Health and social work services



West Hampshire CCG intend to extend the current contract with Hobbs rehabilitation, for speech and language therapies until March 2020, this is to allow Commissioners to consider what additional patient presentations any future service might need to incorporate, including demographics, risk, costs etc. Notification of intention to award/extend a contract with an existing provider of speech and language therapies for West Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Group. The Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) Service provides specialist assessment, advice, intervention and support/training to adults (age 18 years and above), their families/carers and staff in order to prevent, promote, maximise and maintain speech, language, communication and swallowing skills. The service provides timely and evidence based speech and language therapy which anticipates and responds to the needs of adults who experience communication or swallowing difficulties, supporting them to reach their maximum potential. This document is to notify providers that the West Hampshire CCG intend to extend the current contract with Hobbs Rehabilitation, until March 2020, this is to allow Commissioners to consider what additional patient presentations any future service might need to incorporate, including demographics, risk, costs etc. and therefore commissioners are seeking this additional time extension in order to fulfil this obligation and design a complete and comprehensive specification that has been carefully considered, properly researched and widely shared within the CCG in order to be clinically endorsed. It is for this reason, that commissioners seek an extension to the current contract. The current contract extension shall be under the same terms and conditions, service specification and original budget as published in June 2016 no changes have been made.


Publish date

6 years ago

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