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Finite Element Analysis Software



The council are seeking a supplier who can provide finite element analysis software for the analysis, design and assessment of all types of bridge structures.The software shall be required to include the following features/analysis capabilities:- Linear static stress analysis- Linear buckling- Natural frequency / eigen analysis- Fatigue analysis- Ability to identify critical highway vehicle loading patterns on bridges and apply these to models to simplify the evaluation of worst case load position.- Non-linear analysis capabilities including the following features: Automatic step reduction upon convergence failure and flexible restart facilities, material non-linearity, creep, geometric non-linearity, boundary non-linearity, staged construction and non-linear buckling.- Masonry bridge wizard to generate 2D and 3D continuum models of single and multi-span masonry arch bridges with semi-circular or segmental arches. The wizard shall be capable of producing models which include piers and abutments, skews and use linear or non-linear materials.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at


Publish date

5 months ago

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