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VAWDASV Supported Accommodation and Floating Support services (Individuals 16 plus with or without children fleeing domestic violence).



The Housing Support team wish to commission a Supported Accommodation provision within the Caerphilly Borough for individuals aged 16 plus with or without children fleeing / experiencing domestic violence. In addition to the Accommodation based service, there is a requirement for a floating support service, delivering housing related support to individuals in their own home who are experiencing domestic violence. Estimate value is per annum. Lot 1: The Housing Support team wish to commission a Supported Accommodation provision within the Caerphilly Borough for individuals aged 16 plus with or without children fleeing / experiencing domestic violence. In addition to the Accommodation based service, there is a requirement for a floating support service, delivering housing related support to individuals in their own home who are experiencing domestic violence. This Prior Information Notice (PIN) is for the purpose of advising the market of the tender opportunity only and is not a call for competition. However the Council is happy to commence market engagement with interested parties at the planned supplier event. A Contract Notice shall be issued to inform the market when the opportunity is live. Further details shall be provided in the call for competition - Contract Notice. It is envisaged that the Council shall issue the Contract Notice in May 2025. This time scale is indicative and subject to change. This PIN is not an Invitation to Tender. The purpose of this PIN is to serve as an indication of the proposed future procurement by the Council though it may be subject to change and does not constitute any commitment by the Council to undertake a formal public procurement exercise on the basis detailed within this PIN. When the Council is ready to formally commence the procurement process a formal Contract Notice will be advertised thus commencing the procurement process. This PIN is also to commence supplier engagement with any interested Service Providers. The Council is happy to discuss and undertake supplier engagement with the market which is being held on Tuesday 04 March 2025 13:30 - 15:00 hours, Service Providers who are interested in this tender must express an interest by emailing Jemma Ford and not by registering against this notice. The tender shall be undertaken via Proactis Plaza and in readiness, Service Providers are requested to register on the e-tendering portal if they have not already done so. Additional information: The council is holding a supplier event to engage with the market in regards to this service provision. The date and time for the Supplier Event is Tuesday 04 March at 13:30 - 15:00 hours to be undertaken via Teams. To register your interest in the Supplier Engagement meeting please email Jemma Ford no later than 17:00 Hours Thursday 27 February 2025.


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Caerphilly County Borough Council

Rachel Baker

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