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Development Services



20,000,000 GBP


Caerphilly County Borough Council is issuing a Prior Information Notice to notify the market of a future procurement for a framework agreement for the provision of a multi-disciplinary development appraisal consultancy service. The purpose of the Framework Agreement will be to deliver a catalogue of site investigation works, development appraisals and viability assessments on parcels of land throughout the county borough that have been identified as part of the Council’s Place Shaping agenda, which may include residential developments and other significant infrastructure opportunities. Lot 1: The Supplier will support departments across the Council in appraising, planning and delivering their capital projects outlined in the Place Shaping and affordable house building programmes. This support will range from informal advice through to land/development appraisals, contractual negotiations, site investigation works and project management. A major element of CCBC’s Place Shaping is the affordable house building programme being delivered by Caerphilly Homes (the Housing Services division of CCBC). This programme aims to increase the number of homes within CCBC’s stock portfolio to meet an ever-increasing need, with a current aspiration of 100 new affordable, low carbon, high quality homes being built each year for the next ten years. To assist the Council in delivering the Place Shaping and affordable house building programmes, the Supplier will work with the Council to maximise the availability of resources and effectively manage risk to create a sustainable forward work programme. This will involve developing a clear understanding of the Council’s assets (such as land, buildings and infrastructure) and their development potential, along with providing multi-disciplinary development support to progress viable sites and/or projects.


Publish date

6 months ago

Buyer information

Caerphilly County Borough Council

Connor Thomas

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