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Norfolk Coroner post mortem CT Scanning service



Following previous engagement on a CT scanning solution for post mortems for the Norfolk Coroner, we are developing the service specification and would like to engage once more with the market to invite interested bidders to a meeting to hear more about the project. Before we go out to tender, we would like to hear feedback from suppliers on the planned proposals and offer an opportunity for networking. Suppliers may wish to do a joint venture to provide the full range of services required, so we would like to offer the opportunity for potential suppliers to meet and explore opportunities to collaborate. Lot 1: Following previous engagement on a CT scanning solution for post mortems for the Norfolk Coroner, we are developing the service specification and would like to engage once more with the market to invite interested bidders to a meeting to hear more about the project. Before we go out to tender, we would like to hear feedback from suppliers on the planned proposals and offer an opportunity for networking. Suppliers may wish to do a joint venture to provide the full range of services required, so we would like to offer the opportunity for potential suppliers to meet and explore opportunities to collaborate.The market engagement event will take place on Monday 24th February, from 13.00 – 14.30 in the Colman Room, at County Hall in Norwich. Space is restricted so is initially limited to two people per organisation. If you wish to engage with us, please express an interest in this project (after registering on In-tend - the website address is and use the correspondence facility). Please then send the names and email addresses of all who wish to attend the engagement meeting to and an invitation will be issued. Notes and slides will be available after the event for attendees and those who are interested but unable to attend, please let us know if you wish to receive these, using the correspondence facility through in-tend. Norfolk County Council are the relevant authority for the Norfolk Coroners Service. We wish to enter into a contract to provide digital autopsy (CT scanning) services for the Coroner for the county of Norfolk.


Publish date

a month ago

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Norfolk County Council

Annie Southgate

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