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Mediation and Disagreement Resolution



600,000 GBP


Norfolk County Council’s (NCC) contract for the provision of SEND Mediation and Disagreement Resolution is due to end on 31st August 2025. The Council is currently scoping its requirements for a new contract to commence on 1st September 2025. Lot 1: The Children and Families Act 2014 requires Mediation and Disagreement Resolution (MDR) services to be put in place by Local Authorities and health commissioners. Norfolk’s MDR service is jointly commissioned between Norfolk County Council and NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB).Disagreement Resolution and Mediation is a voluntary, private and confidential process. The aim is to bring people together in a facilitated way to find solutions to their disagreements.It can save time and pressure for all involved and it can help re-build relationships that have broken down. Early resolution of disagreements benefits children, young people, parents, carers, institutions, and professionals’ party to the disagreement. • Mediation focuses on elements of an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) in education, social care, or health. It is used at various stages of the process and is specifically linked to decisions about EHCP needs assessments and plans. • Disagreement Resolution focuses on any element of SEND provision, not just those who are being assessed for (or have) an EHCP.


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a month ago

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Norfolk County Council


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