Adult Learning and Skills Open Framework (LTR)
Creation of a new open Framework using Light Touch Regime (LTR) For Adult Learning and Skills Lot 6: 16-19 Programmes Our ambition is to provide a county-wide pre-employment / study programme, based in the community, which provides support and opportunities for West Sussex’s most vulnerable young people to maximise their potentials. <br/><br/>Programmes will engage young people aged 16-19 and up to 25 if they have an Education and Health Care Plan, who are often living in challenging and complex circumstances, may be NEET or at risk of being NEET, have had negative previous education experiences and are a long way away from being able to move into more formal FE college provision, apprenticeships or work. <br/><br/>Delivery partners will be required to provide accessible and supportive ‘routeways’ for young people into, through and onward from the programme. <br/><br/>Core programme requirements include: <br/><br/>Work placements <br/><br/>English (Functional Skills) <br/><br/>Maths (Functional Skills) <br/><br/>Employability Skills <br/><br/>Group activities, personal development and tutorials. <br/><br/>16 to 19 funding: how it works - GOV.UK ( Lot 2: Adult Skills The Adult Skills curriculum focusses on providing individuals with ‘routeways to success’, primarily into employment / more sustainable employment, but also to further learning as part of an individual’s progression. <br/><br/>It includes: <br/><br/>support for 4 legal entitlements for eligible adult learners as set out in the Apprenticeships, Skills and Children Learning Act 2009, and enables eligible learners to be fully funded for the following qualifications: <br/><br/>English and maths up to and including level 2 for individuals aged 19 and over who have not previously achieved a GCSE grade A* to C or grade 4 or higher, and/or have been assessed as having an existing skill level lower than grade 4 (even if they have previously achieved a GCSE or equivalent qualification in English or maths) <br/><br/>first full qualification at level 2 for individuals aged 19 to 23, and/or <br/><br/>first full qualification at level 3 for individuals aged 19 to 23 <br/><br/>Essential Digital Skills qualifications (EDSQs) or Digital Functional Skills qualifications (DFSQs), up to and including level 1, for individuals aged 19 and over, who have digital skills assessed at below level 1 <br/><br/>our “Routes into…” programme which focusses on a range of employment sectors / vocations which align to those identified in the Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP), by West Sussex Department of Work and Pensions and Jobcentre Plus colleagues and WSCC colleagues. <br/><br/>Adult Skills is primarily focussed on regulated qualifications but may include specific non-regulated provision, particularly English, Maths, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and Essential Digital Skills for individuals who: <br/><br/>are assessed as requiring additional support and development in order to be ready to progress to a qualification or engage with employment, <br/><br/>require independent living skills or engagement in learning which supports them to operate confidently and effectively in life and work. <br/><br/>Adult Skills learning aims must be approved for use by the DfE. <br/><br/>Adult skills fund: funding rules for 2024 to 2025 - GOV.UK ( Lot 3: Community/Tailored Learning ommunity / Tailored Learning seeks “to widen participation and transform people’s destinies by supporting progression relevant to personal circumstances”. <br/><br/> <br/><br/>This ambition will be realised through high quality, accessible and impactful non-qualification learning programmes which enable individuals to reach their potential through a curriculum offer that supports five inter-related outcomes: <br/><br/>Provision develops the skills, confidence, motivation, and resilience of adults of different ages and backgrounds in order to: <br/><br/> <br/><br/>progress towards formal learning or employment and / or <br/><br/>improve their health and well-being, including mental health and / or <br/><br/>develop stronger communities. <br/><br/>Provision engages with and supports the most vulnerable and hard to access residents, whether that be, for example, a result of life circumstances / changes, deprivation, poor prior attainment, ill health, loss of employment etc. <br/><br/>Provision must be responsive to known need(s), be readily accessible ensuring entry points and ‘return to learning’ points for adults (aged 19+). <br/><br/> <br/><br/>Community / Tailored Learning funding will be used to commission a wide range of specialist community-based organisations across West Sussex who can demonstrate the knowledge, skills and links in their specialism / geographic location required to deliver a learning programme to adults. <br/><br/>Grants will provide an opportunity for some organisations who have little or no experience of delivering ESFA funded and Ofsted regulated provision, but who demonstrate the attributes to be supported through this programme to do so in the future. <br/><br/>‘Tailored Learning’ is included in Adult skills fund: funding rules for 2024 to 2025 - GOV.UK ( Lot 7: Family Learning and Parenting Family Learning provides a unique range of opportunities for families, to learn together to raise skills across generations. The learning environment is relaxed and ‘non-threatening’, yet purposeful. Provision is usually delivered in partnership, for example with schools, children and family centres and libraries. <br/><br/> <br/><br/>Family Learning and Parenting provision supports families (in the widest sense: children, parents, carers, grandparents) through programmes which: <br/><br/> <br/><br/>increase parents’ involvement in their children’s learning, <br/><br/>improve family health and wellbeing, <br/><br/>increase social and community engagement, <br/><br/>raise aspirations and create positive attitudes to learning, <br/><br/>support transitions (e.g. school phases), <br/><br/>improve confidence and employability skills for adults, <br/><br/>improve young people’s development and attainment. <br/><br/>Partners maybe sought to deliver programmes which complement existing Adult Learning provision. Lot 4: Level 3 Free Courses for Jobs The Free Courses For Jobs (FCFJ) programme supports adults aged 19-23 who are unemployed or below the Government defined earnings threshold in achieving their first full level 3 qualification. <br/><br/>The qualifications must support the development of new skills for learners and improve their prospects in the West Sussex labour market. <br/><br/>Funded level 3 FCFJ qualifications are available via the DfE list of qualifications approved for funding. Lot 1: Skills Bootcamps The Department for Education (DfE) definition of Skills Bootcamps is: "Skills Bootcamps are free, flexible courses of up to 16 weeks, giving people the chance to build sector-specific skills with an offer of a job interview at the end, giving learners direct line of sight into a job. Training is designed and delivered in partnership with employers to ensure they deliver the skills needed. <br/><br/>Skills Bootcamps are available across a range of sectors and help people develop priority skills that are in demand at both local and national level, typically at levels 3 to 5 or equivalent (medium to higher level technical skills) and level 2 in some sectors (e.g. green construction, HGV drivers). <br/><br/>Skills Bootcamp training must either be accredited, aligned to occupational standards managed by the Institute for Apprenticeship & Technical Education (IFATE) or utilise a recognised standard for representing attainment (e.g. Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement (RARPA).” <br/><br/>Skills Bootcamps funding and performance management - GOV.UK ( <br/><br/>In West Sussex, Skills Bootcamps will be aligned to the priorities identified in the Local Skill Improvement Plan (LSIP) and to meet the specific needs and demands of employers based in the county and travel to earn / learn area. Lot 5: Skills for Life and Work Projects This lot will enable WSCC to respond to appropriate national, regional and / or local projects, campaigns or initiatives in a timely and responsive manner for the benefit of West Sussex residents, businesses and support services. <br/><br/>Programmes are anticipated to have strong ‘skills for life and work’ themes and be prioritised to support those living in hardship, who are vulnerable and hard to access, whether that be, for example, a result of life circumstances / changes, deprivation, poor prior attainment, ill health, loss of employment etc. <br/><br/>‘Multiply’, funded by the Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund 2022-23 to 2024-25, is an example of the type of programme which would be administered through this lot.
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