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Highways Specialist Works and Services: Subway Pumps (2024)



350,000 GBP


A contract for the Provision of Services for the Maintenance of Pump Equipment on Highway Drainage Assets is being tendered by West Sussex County Council (WSCC) in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR 2015). WSCC requires a single contractor to deliver the Services for the duration of the Contract. For the purposes of this procurement exercise, the term Services is used to describe the full range of Services required. A summary of the Requirement is given below. • Under the provisions of the Highways Act 1981, the Council has a statutory obligation to ensure the highway is maintained so that it is "Fit for purpose" and "Safe for use". • There are currently 18 surface water sites that utilise pumped drainage assets to manage surface water run-off from the highway. • The key liabilities associated with these sites relates to the failure of pumped drainage equipment leading to flooding of the highway. • Each site has a specific maintenance schedule to ensure availability of the equipment which is available in the Data Room • The Service Provider will be responsible for the maintenance and servicing of pumps and associated infrastructure at the Sites. • The Service Provider will be required to de-silt the pump chambers at the Sites and dispose of any arisings to a licensed facility. • The Service Provider will be required to maintain and/or replace lifting chains (where applicable) at the Sites. • The Service Provider will be required to provide all pedestrian and vehicular traffic management to undertake the works. • The Service Provider will be required to attend emergency call outs when required at the Sites. Please see Document 2: Specification for further details. WSCC reserves the right to propose non-material changes to the Specification, if necessary, through consultation with the successful Bidder. This tender will not contain lots. The full tender is attached. Responses and communication must be via the WSCC e-Souricng portal here:


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West Sussex County Council

David Robinson

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