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Wath Upon Dearne Library Redevelopment Market Engagement



The purpose of this exercise is to engage with the construction industry to establish the level of interest in the redevelopment of Wath upon Dearne's Library (Rotherham). The engagement explores local market conditions and aims to gauge the opinions on procurement routes and deliverables required to deliver within tight timescales in line with the funding availability. The market engagement questionnaire can be found on the YORtender website (, project ID 87762 Lot 1: Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council has been successful in bidding and being awarded funding through the Department of Levelling Up. The fund aims to renew and reshape town centres and high streets in a way that drives growth, improves experience, and ensures future sustainability. It will do this by providing funding to support transformative and structural changes to overcome challenges in their area. The scheme will focus on high quality place making to restore the cultural heart of the town centre, increase footfall, boost the local economy, and restore a sense of pride amongst the community. Although well used and well loved by the community, the current library building is underperforming and difficult to operate. The current library has few windows and provides very little overlooking of external spaces. Some areas around the building, such as the external staircase, are therefore vulnerable to anti-social behaviour. In a wider context, the large structure acts as barrier between Biscay Way and the Town Centre, with the library effectively turning its back on the key road into the locality, the site is therefore considered to be a key opportunity to open up and connect different parts of the town and boost levels of footfall through the use of active frontages. The redevelopment will deliver facilities of a modern standard, with sustainable and inclusive design. It will also tackle persistent anti-social behaviour issues through enclosure of the external stair core and passageway running between the library and the adjacent residential and commercial block. The proposed scheme, which is currently at stage 3 RIBA design, includes the demolition of the existing library and the creation of a brand-new library in its place to create a modern, inviting, and inclusive community facility. The redevelopment is being designed to enhance user experience between Biscay Way and the High Street to encourage visitors into the town centre. The new building has been designed to respond more positively to the surrounding area, with key frontages on three sides of the building to draw in visitors and create a greater sense of destination.


Publish date

6 months ago

Buyer information

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

Joanne Kirk

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