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Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Control Room



Prior Information Notice reference: 2023/S 000-023626 Published 11 August 2023, 4:08pm IS HEREBY WITHDRAWN. Lot 1: Lincolnshire County Council (the “Council”), in collaboration with Humberside Fire & Rescue Service, is seeking to engage with prospective suppliers to shape our requirements in preparation for a future procurement for Control and Mobilising ICT Services. The Council is looking to engage with prospective suppliers who have established, active products with blue light fire services in the UK. The proposed scope of services to be covered by this procurement is likely to include supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance for: • an Integrated Communications Control System (ICCS) for the purpose of providing emergency call taking and handling, including the processing and transmission of emergency call data alongside prioritising and recording incident calls; • a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) for the purpose of identifying, proposing and mobilising appropriately skilled and equipped resources to incidents, and recording and managing the progression of incidents; • and Station End Equipment for the purpose of alerting crews/personnel from the CAD to respond to incidents. The objective of the collaboration will be to provide high quality, resilient response to incidents, protecting lives and property throughout Lincolnshire and Humberside. The procurement is expected to begin October 2023, and this notice is initially to seek expressions of interest from economic operators. The Council invites suppliers to express their interest in this opportunity via the Pro-Contract DueNorth portal no later than 1st September 2023. Suppliers who express an interest in this PIN may be asked to participate in further market engagement activities and may also be asked to complete a premarket engagement questionnaire, which will be published at a later date in the Pro-Contract tender box.


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Lincolnshire County Council

Mr Steven Campbell

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