BioPharmaChem Skillnet tenders and contracts
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BioPharmaChem Skillnet tenders & contracts
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Supplier name | SME? | Number of awards | View awards |
Science & Engineering Flexible Learning Centre | Unknown | 1 | View awards |
Engineers Ireland | Unknown | 1 | View awards |
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- London Borough of Camden
- University of Brighton
- Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust
- HEAnet CLG
- Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Andium Homes Limited
- St John of God Hospitaller Services Group
- Gloucestershire Learning Alliance
- Steeple Claydon Parish Council
- Bozeat Parish Council
- Woodfield Academy and Oak Hill First School
Explore topics of interest to BioPharmaChem Skillnet
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- Education and training services
- Training services
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- Research consultancy services
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- Adult and other education services
- Staff training services
- Higher education services
- Training programme services
- Personal development training services
- Human resources management consultancy services
- Management training services
- Personnel-training services
- E-learning services
- Technical training services
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