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Stale pre-tender

Local Energy Project - D2 Grids 5GDHC



2,500,000 GBP


Clyde Gateway is seeking a Development Partner(s) and/or Investor(s) to deliver a 5th generation district heating and cooling project to serve the Shawfield National Business District and wider areas as part of its Integrated Energy Strategy. The project CAPEX is estimated at 2.5m GBP and is supported by ERDF funding of up to 60%. The project seeks to connect a minimum of 3 buildings to supply heating and cooling using a closed loop bi-directional, ambient temperature network linked to the provision of decentralised heat pump technology to manage the energy needs within and between buildings. The system is to be designed as a modular system capable of being scaled up to support new connections and seeks to optimise the smart management of thermal and power interfaces. The project may consider energy supply from a range of water based resources including wastewater and minewater. A Developer(s) and/or Investor(s) are sought to enter into a development agreement or other form of agreement to develop a business case to finance, design and develop the project to achieve a full business case by end December 2020. The project must be completed by mid 2022. The Development Partner(s) and/or Investor(s) may be required to provide or secure match funding to deliver the project. The project may involve the sale of energy and related services and connection works to other customers in the geographical area of the project. Please note that this PIN Notice is not a call for competition at this stage and a contract notice will be published in due course.


Publish date

5 years ago

Buyer information

Clyde Gateway URC Ltd


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