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Engineering-related scientific and technical services tenders & contracts

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    Published today

    tNCEA England Ecosystem Survey Soil Sampling and Assessment Survey 2025-26

    time-iconClose date: 31/03/2025

    Natural England (NE) have an overarching requirement to complete at least 500 Soil Sampling and Assessment Survey in 2025/26.<br/><br/>The contract is for delivery of the surveys on up to 150 monads. The overall aim for 2025/26 is to survey up to 500 mon...

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    Published today

    British Museum Construction Professional Services Consultancy Framework

    price-tag-icon46,100,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 30/12/2025

    The British Museum is seeking to create a Framework for the provision of Professional Services Consultancy to its Estates and Capital Projects Department. The Framework will have seven lots covering the following disciplines: 1. Project Management 2. Quan...

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    Published today

    Seismic Surveying

    price-tag-icon1,500,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 28/03/2025

    The University of York is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced ground surveying company to conduct seismic surveying on behalf of the University of York. Lot 1: The University of York is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and expe...

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    Published today

    Peatland Survey Framework 2025

    price-tag-icon700,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 25/03/2025

    NRW is seeking to award a framework for the supply of This requirement facilitates delivery of peatland restoration NRW work areas. The requirement comprises various surveys of forestry and peatlands and our requirements are broken down into four distinct...

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    Published today

    WCC - Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Road Traffic Surveys

    price-tag-icon2,500,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 23/02/2029

    This notice involves the setting up of a dynamic purchasing system. Warwickshire County Council invites applications from suitably experienced operators for admission to their Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the provision of road traffic surveys. The ...

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    Published today

    Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Road Traffic Surveys

    price-tag-icon2,500,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 23/02/2029

    The Dynamic Purchasing System will be used for the provision of road traffic surveys. The DPS has 5 lots as follows: Automatic Traffic Counts (ATC) Junction Turning Count (JTC) Active Travel Surveys ANPR Surveys Parking Surveys The period of ...

  • Open

    Published today

    Buttrills Estate Playground

    time-iconClose date: 21/03/2025

    The Vale of Glamorgan Council (“the Council”) requires the design and build of a new playground area located in Buttrills Estate in Barry, Vale of Glamorgan. (“the Works”). As part of the enhancement works the Client has identified the requirements of th...

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    Published 2 days ago

    Infrastructure Delivery Services Dynamic Purchasing System

    price-tag-icon2,300,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 31/03/2025

    Dynamic Purchasing System for Infrastructure Delivery Services. Split into 7 Lots: Lot 1 - Topographical Surveys Lot 2 - GPR Surveys Lot 3 - Drainage/Duct/Jetting Surveys Lot 4 - Arboricultural Works Lot 5 - Traffic Management and Signage Lot 6 - ...

  • Open

    Published 2 days ago

    SCC2025/0022 Soils and Geology N16 Sligo to Drumkilsellagh

    time-iconClose date: 20/03/2025

    A Soils and Geology specialist (The Consultant) will be required to carry out specialist studies relating to Soils and Geology Impact Assessments on the N16 Sligo to Drumkilsellagh Project. These studies will form part of the Phase 2: Option Selection, Ph...

  • Open

    Published 2 days ago

    Oceanographic and Water Quality Monitoring Mersey Estuary

    price-tag-icon1,116,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 03/04/2025

    Liverpool City Region Combined Authority is seeking costed tenders for survey works to be undertaken at sites in the Mersey Estuary. Observations are required to deliver a program of oceanographic, passive acoustic and sediment and water quality monitorin...

  • Open

    Published 2 days ago

    Damp and Mould Consultancy Services Contract for Babergh District Council and Mid Suffolk District Council

    price-tag-icon1,250,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 24/03/2025

    Babergh District Council and Mid Suffolk District Council are looking to jointly procure a Consultant for the delivery of their Damp andMould Consultancy Services Contract. The estimated annual contract value is circa GBP150000.00 to GBP250000.00.It is i...

  • Open

    Published 2 days ago

    Oceanographic and Water Quality Monitoring Mersey Estuary

    price-tag-icon1,116,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 03/04/2025

    Liverpool City Region Combined Authority is seeking costed tenders for survey works to be undertaken at sites in the Mersey Estuary. Observations are required to deliver a program of oceanographic, passive acoustic and sediment and water quality monitorin...

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