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Supported Living for 16-24 year olds



The Contracting Authority intends to procure services for the operation and management of a Supported Living for 16-24 Year Olds Accommodation service, within West Berkshire.Services will include, but are not limited to, providing supported housing for vulnerable young people (16–24), gaining necessary skills to achieve independent living.Services will encompass• Provision of safe and secure accommodation facilities • Delivery of person centred support services • Promotion of individual well-being and empowerment • Tailored support• Facilitate transition to sustainable housing solutionsOfsted Registration for Supported Living (16-17 year olds) is required.A Meet the Buyer event will be held virtually on Wednesday 10th July 2024 at 11:00am to give potential bidders an opportunity to ask questions about the service and tendering process. Link to virtual meeting will be issued shortly. Please confirm your attendance to Lot 1: The Contracting Authority intends to procure services for the operation and management of a Supported Living for 16-24 Year Olds Accommodation service, within West Berkshire.The services will include, but are not limited to, providing supported housing for vulnerable young people (16–24), gaining necessary skills to achieve independent living.The services will encompass• Provision of safe and secure accommodation facilities • Delivery of person centred support services • Promotion of individual well-being and empowerment • Tailored support• Facilitate transition to sustainable housing solutionsOfsted Registration for Supported Living (16-17 year olds) is required.


Publish date

9 months ago

Buyer information

West Berkshire Council

Kiki Hurford

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