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Online Sexual Health Services (SBS10255)



95,000,000 GBP


NHS Shared Business Services act in an Agency capacity for and on behalf of its customers (Approved Organisations) - existing and new. These comprise of NHS and Social Care organisations (whether acting individually, or on behalf of, or together as members of any consortia) along with any other public or private sector bodies which NHS SBS authorises to use the resulting Framework. NHS Shared Business Services Limited (NHS SBS) intends to put in place a Framework Agreement for the provision of Online Sexual Health Services to be used by NHS SBS Approved Organisations. Approved Organisations are NHS and Social Care organisations (whether acting individually, or on behalf of, or together as members of any consortia) or any combined authority, integrated care board, local authority, NHS England, NHS foundation trust, NHS trust or any other body listed as a "relevant authority" in the National Health Service Act 2006, which the Authority authorises to use the resulting Framework. Please note that the previous name for this opportunity, as published in the PIN, was "Integrated Sexual Health Services". Our Approved Organisation list can be found on: The Framework will be structured using the following Lots; Lot 1 - Online STI Testing and Treatment Lot 2 - Online Contraception Lot 3 - Online PrEP and PEP We are committed to working with suppliers who are dedicated to Sustainability and Social Value and there will be a significant weighting on these elements in the tender. The term of the framework agreement will be 48 months. Lot 1: Online STI Testing and Treatment This lot is for the provision of an online STI testing and treatment service for the following STIs (including Pathology):  HIV  Hep B  Hep C  Syphilis  Gonorrhoea  Chlamydia  Core services required by Approved Organisations include, but are not limited to:  Online Service User Interface  Triaging of Service Users  Pathology/Laboratory Services  Managing reactive results / arranging confirmatory testing - e.g. for Syphilis and HIV  Results notification  Referral / signposting of Service Users with a positive / reactive result  Remote prescribing of treatment - e.g. treatment for uncomplicated chlamydia  Contact tracing / partner notification  Data collection and reporting  Clinicians must also be provided as part of the overall managed service to evaluate results online, prescribe treatment for identified STIs and to refer Service Users to follow up services if required.   Bidders must deliver all the mandatory requirements as detailed in the Specification section of the Framework Agreement. There are additional Basic Selection Questionnaire (SQ), Award Questionnaire (AQ) requirements, and Bidder Declarations applicable, and Bidders are asked to respond to these also. Where the Bidder does not score a minimum of 55% in total (AQ and total Commercial score combined) the Authority shall exclude the submission from being appointed to the framework. Additional information: This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) Contract Notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award. Lot 2: Online Routine and Emergency Contraception This lot is for the provision of online routine and emergency contraception, including pregnancy tests. Supplier(s) must offer: remote assessment (based on criteria such as age and postcode of residence etc). prescribing of routine and emergency hormonal contraception. arranging for the dispensing and supply of medication. Products/Services to be supplied under this lot include, but are not limited to: Routine Contraception: Progestogen-only contraceptive pill Combined contraceptive pills Contraceptive patch Self-administered contraceptive injection Emergency Hormonal Contraception: Levonorgestrel Ulipristal acetate Additional Services: Pregnancy Testing - provided by post or collection from a pharmacy along with Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC). This must include accompanying advice on how and when to use, so the Service User can rule out EHC failure or pregnancy. Online condom distribution schemes (C-card) Any STI tests that maybe required as part of the overall service delivery in Lot 2 can be provided by the awarded Suppliers in this lot or can be sourced directly from the awarded Suppliers in Lot 1. Bidders must deliver all the mandatory requirements as detailed in the Specification section of the Framework Agreement. There are additional Basic Selection Questionnaire (SQ), Award Questionnaire (AQ) requirements, and Bidder Declarations applicable, and Bidders are asked to respond to these also. Where the Bidder does not score a minimum of 55% in total (AQ and Price combined) the Authority shall exclude the submission from being appointed to the framework. Additional information: This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) Contract Notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award. Lot 3: Online PrEP and PEP This lot will support Approved Organisations in their aim to move away from face-to-face treatment in Level 3 Clinics and towards an online service for accessing PrEP and PEP. The lot will provide Service Users with access to preventative medication for HIV and STIs, as well as medication to be taken in the event of exposure. This lot is for the provision of online access to Exposure Prophylaxis including, but not limited to:  Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)  Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)  Doxy Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (DPrEP)  Doxy Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (DPEP)  Services provided under this lot include but are not limited to:  Outsourcing of the entire service (if required) to include:  Online assessment for eligibility   Clinical assessment   Prescription and supply the medication   Delivery/collection   Ongoing monitoring (quarterly test for HIV and STIs plus annual kidney function test).  There are additional Basic Selection Questionnaire (SQ), Award Questionnaire (AQ) requirements, and Bidder Declarations applicable, and Bidders are asked to respond to these also. Where the Bidder does not score a minimum of 55% in total (AQ and Price combined) the Authority shall exclude the submission from being appointed to the framework. Additional information: This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) Contract Notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award.


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