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Bromford tenders and contracts

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Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

Buyer type

Housing AssocsRegistered Social Landlord~Stock Transfer

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Bromford tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 2 years ago

    Consultancy Services - A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)

    time-iconClose date: 09/06/2025

    Bromford is a Housing Association with over 46,000 homes and an ambitious new build development programme. We are seeking support from companies and partners that can provide individual or a range of the services identified below. Whilst these will pred...

  • Open

    Published 2 years ago

    Construction Works & Services DPS

    time-iconClose date: 08/11/2027

    <p>Bromford is looking to create a DPS for the provision of construction works and services relating to the maintenance of social housing.</p> <p>The purpose of the DPS is to ensure access to quality contractors across Bromford's geographical regions.</p>...

  • Open

    Published 5 years ago

    Provision of Non-Domestic Ground Source Heat Pump Systems Installation Works

    price-tag-icon15,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 29/10/2034

    Installation of GSHP NB This advert is being re-published to correct an error whereby the first advert was not linked to the Evaluation Questionnaire and attachments. Keywords: Heat pumps


Top suppliers to Bromford

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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
Novus Property Solutions (Lot 3)No6View awards
EG Carter &amp; Co LtdUnknown3View awards
Lovell Partnership LtdNo2View awards
CLC Contractors LimitedYes2View awards

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