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Interpretation & Translation Services (SBS10519)



73,000,000 GBP


NHS Shared Business Services act in an Agency capacity for and on behalf of its customers (Approved Organisations) - existing and new. These comprise of NHS and Social Care organisations (whether acting individually, or on behalf of, or together as members of any consortia) along with any other public or private sector bodies which NHS SBS authorises to use the resulting Framework. NHS Shared Business Services Limited (NHS SBS) intends to put in place a Framework Agreement for the provision of Interpretation & Translation Services for Healthcare to be used by NHS SBS Approved Organisations. Our Approved Organisation list can be found on: The Framework will be structured using the following Lots 1. Lot 1 Face to Face (spoken language) 2. Lot 2 British Sign Language (BSL) (F2F, Video and Document) 3. Lot 3 Telephone Interpreting 4. Lot 4 Document Translation and ancillary services 5. Lot 5 Video Interpretation 6. Lot 6 One Stop Shop We are committed to working with suppliers who are dedicated to Sustainability and Social Value and there will be a significant weighting on these elements in the tender. Lot 1: Face to Face (spoken language) This Lot covers the provision of Face to Face Interpretation Services. Suppliers will supply spoken word interpreters, across a range of languages for varied public sector language requirements. This could include interpreters with language specialisms including legal, medical, pharmaceutical, financial, IT, media, trauma, children, education, mental health, transportation, engineering, procurement, marketing, housing, benefits, immigration, defence, security, technical and government (central and local). Lot 2: British Sign Language (BSL) This Lot covers the provision of BSL Interpretation and Translation Services and ancillary services. Suppliers will supply interpreters or translators able to provide non-verbal communication to the deaf and deaf-blind community for varied public sector requirements. Lot 3: Telephone Interpreting This Lot covers the provision of Telephone Interpretation, Suppliers will provide telephone based spoken word services across a range of common and rare languages for varied public sector customers Lot 4: Document Translation and Ancillary Services This Lot cover the provision of Document Translation services including transcription and ancillary services, such as website localisation services, transcription services and more. Suppliers will provide document translation services across a range of languages across all forms of written texts and performed by qualified translators, Machine translated, or a mixture of both with post translation editing. Documents can be varied and may include manuals, handbooks, marketing brochures, flyers, leaflets and letters, website material, guidance or information documents. File formats may include MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and text, RTF, PDF, Quark, Photoshop and Illustrator plus many more Lot 5: Video Interpretation This Lot covers the provision of Video Interpretation Services, both 'On-Demand' and 'Pre-Booked' services with the ability to use commonly used video conferencing software or bespoke portals from suppliers Lot 6: One Stop Shop (Managed Service) The One Stop Shop is a comprehensive, managed service that includes all aspects of Interpretation and Translation (spoken, BSL, telephone, video, and document translation).. This framework has 6 lots which are, Lot 1 Face to Face (spoken language) Lot 2 British Sign Language (BSL) (F2F, Video and Document) Lot 3 Telephone Interpreting Lot 4 Document Translation and ancillary services Lot 5 Video Interpretation and Lot 6 Managed Service.


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NHS Shared Business Services

Zeeshan Ali

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