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Scotland wide integration support service for forced migrants.



14,400,000 GBP


The Scottish Government Asylum and Refugee Integration Team is seeking a service provider to deliver a contracted Scotland-wide integration support service for forced migrants. The current grant funded Refugee Support Service provides a programme of support interventions; Helping forced migrants living in Scotland to improve their understanding of their rights, offering information, advice and advocacy on accessing these rights, so they can restore the social and economic independence needed to build a new life as part of Scottish society. A free and confidential helpline for all forced migrants across Scotland, providing a triage function to undertake a preliminary assessment of the nature and urgency of their need to determine required action. This leads to provision of information and advice or signposting and making referrals when more relevant support or expertise are provided by other organisations; Comprehensive and up-to-date data and insights from across different refugee programmes in Scotland, informing and contributing to the overall implementation of Scotland’s policy framework of refugee integration. A team of Regional Integration Coordinators, advisers and regional volunteers who oversee each region, working closely with forced migrants, communities and service delivery partners to coordinate support, centralise and improve access to information on regional support and resources, preventing duplication of services and ensures the approach complements and enhances existing local provision. Lot 1: A contract to be placed using Open Procedure


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