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NICE Framework for Healthcare Knowledge Resources



The purpose of this procurement is to put in place a Framework Agreement to support the purchase of healthcare related print and electronic knowledge resources by NHS, health and social care organisations in the UK. Clinicians and staff within these organisations need these knowledge resources to support their practice, research and education. Such knowledge resources will include (but may not be limited to) print and electronic journals and books, databases of bibliographic and full text published content and clinical decision support resources. This procurement will replace the current NICE Electronic and Print Content Framework Agreement when it expires on 31 May 2-25. More details about the current Framework specification and agreement can be found at: Suppliers of healthcare related knowledge resources, including publishers, subscription agents, aggregators and booksellers, are encouraged to attend a Supplier Event 19th June 2024, 10:30am - 1pm in London. Feedback on the current Framework specification and purchasing processes will be discussed with potential Bidders at this session in order to inform the procurement, alongside details of the procurement process for this tender. If you would like to attend this session please register you interest with by 10:00 (UK) 17.05.2024. Lot 1: LOT 1 Sole Supplier This Lot will be used to purchase Knowledge Resources that can only be provided by one (i.e. a "sole") Provider; purchasing from this Lot will be by direct award only; any Knowledge Resource from the categories set out in the procurement documents may be supplied in Lot 1 provided that the Bidder is the sole supplier of the title(s). However, only journal and eBook collections and not individual titles may be supplied under Lot 1. Lot 2: LOT 2 Print Books Medical and healthcare related print books Note these are for pre-printed and published books This is not for a printing service. Lot 3: LOT 3 eBooks Medical and healthcare related eBooks Lot 4: LOT 4 Print and eJournals Medical and Healthcare related Print and eJournals Lot 5: LOT 5 Databases and Clinical Decision Support Resources Databases: searchable online collections of structured information to support healthcare practice, learning, teaching and research to include: abstracting & indexing/bibliographic databases; full-text databases; reference works; anatomy resources. Clinical Decision Support resources: referential or visual evidence and knowledge summaries designed to provide health professionals with comprehensive evidence and "actionable knowledge" to: support decision-making at the point of care e.g. at the bedside, in the ward, in the clinic, and in community settings, including the patient's or carer's home; and to support education and learning before, during and after the patient consultation.


Publish date

7 months ago

Buyer information

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

Irene Walker

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