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Market Engagement Events for Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery (IMOS) Conscious Sedation - East Midlands Wide



NHS Arden & Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (AG CSU) on the following five Integrated Care Boards (ICB) across the East Midlands <br/><br/>1. NHS Derby and Derbyshire ICB<br/>2. NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB<br/>3. NHS Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland ICB<br/>4. NHS Lincolnshire ICB<br/>5. NHS Northamptonshire ICB <br/><br/>wish to inform the market of a future procurement opportunity for 17 Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery (IMOS) including treatment under Conscious Sedation contracts across the East Midlands region.<br/><br/>Please note, from 1st April 2023, the five Integrated Care Boards across the East Midlands region have been delegated with the commissioning and contracting of dental services. <br/><br/>The anticipated contract duration is for 7 years with the option to extend for a further 3 years (total contract duration 10 years). A Personal Dental Services (PDS) agreement will be established with the successful bidder(s).<br/><br/>The Commissioners would like to invite potential Bidders to two Market Engagement Webinars taking place on Thursday 12th October at 12.30pm – 1.30pm and Thursday 19th October at 12.30pm – 1.30pm via MS Teams. The events have been split into two and will cover different points to support the dental market to help them prepare successful bids when the ITT is launched.<br/><br/>The first event will cover the service requirements/service specification, financial envelope, Lots, core questions, premises and the procurement process. The second event will have a specific focus and provide greater detail and clarity regarding the Financial Standing and Information Governance sections of the ITT<br/><br/>If your organisation is interested in attending these events, then please register your interest in attending this webinar by 10.00am on Friday 6th October 2023 by following the instructions given in the additional information section below. Lot 1: Following a number of factors outlined in Health Needs Assessments, Service Review, market engagement and wider stakeholders, public/patients engagement/consultation feedback etc, the lotting strategy is as follows: -<br/><br/>Lot 1: - Derby West<br/>Lot 2: - Derby East<br/>Lot 3: - Chesterfield<br/>Lot 4:- Alfreton<br/>Lot 5: - Nottingham West<br/>Lot 6: - Nottingham East<br/>Lot 7: - Mansfield<br/>Lot 8: - Worksop<br/>Lot 9: - Leicester North West<br/>Lot 10: - Leicester East<br/>Lot 11: - Leicester South<br/>Lot 12: - Coalville<br/>Lot 13:- Lincoln<br/>Lot 14: - Spalding<br/>Lot 15: - Skegness<br/>Lot 16: - Northampton<br/>Lot 17: - Corby<br/><br/>The Commissioners would like to appoint service provider(s) for providing high quality Level 2 Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery (IMOS) including treatment under Conscious Sedation across the East Midlands. Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery is a referral service for people over the age of 16 years and is provided within a community setting. The service will provide specialist treatment e.g. complex dental extractions by a clinician with enhanced skills and experience that is either on the oral surgery specialist list or accredited in line with national guidance. Treatment may be provided under local anaesthetic and the clinician may use quality behavioural management techniques or provide treatment under conscious sedation where appropriate for minor oral surgery procedures.<br/><br/>The service objectives are to:<br/><br/>• ensure that equitable, accessible, cost effective, high quality IMOS Surgery including treatment under Conscious Sedation is available to the public within each ICB<br/>• increase the availability and accessibility of the primary care based IMOS Services to those patients who require sedation to support them to receive a minor oral surgical procedure locally<br/>• reduce the number of patients receiving minor oral surgical procedures under general anaesthesia<br/>• to deliver clinical services based on best available evidence and will work to relevant clinical guidelines published by professional bodies, incorporating relevant best-practice principles<br/>• to have appropriately registered, qualified, trained, accredited and experienced professionals to ensure that the complexity of the patient or procedure matches the skills and setting of the individual or team providing the treatment<br/>• to deliver safe, high quality, patient-centred oral surgery services from primary care settings by named Performers<br/>• to ensure that patients who most need the services are able to be referred to a local provider. Additional information: This is purely an early engagement exercise and does not commit the commissioners to carry out a procurement process. Any subsequent procurement will be advertised separately and all organisations wanting to participate will need to respond to the procurement advertisement as and when published.<br/><br/>Current services will remain in place during this period in line with existing contracts and service level agreements.<br/><br/>The procurement will be advertised in accordance with the requirements of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as amended) (the “Regulations”) to the extent that the Regulations relate to services within the scope of Schedule 3 thereto(Social and Other Specific Services). <br/>The Commissioner and AGCSU are, therefore ,bound only by those parts of the Regulations applying to Schedule 3services.<br/><br/>The Contracting Authority will be using an e-Tendering system for this market engagement webinar. To express an interest and register for the Market Engagement Webinar go to the ‘Live Opportunities’ list on the e-tendering portal at the following link:<br/><br/>and register your interest.<br/><br/>You can search for the opportunity by entering the following contract reference: C210922 - Intermediate Minor Oral Surgery (IMOS) Conscious Sedation - East Midlands Wide. <br/><br/>Once registered please complete the questions which asks providers to give details about your organisation and confirmation of who will be dialling into the market engagement webinars, you will only need to register once for the two events.<br/><br/>Webinar details for both events will only be sent to those organisations who have completed the questionnaire to confirm their attendance. Please note the deadline for responses and to register your interest for the Market Engagement Webinar is by Friday 6th October 2023 at 10.00am


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2 years ago

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NHS Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board

Neelam Saroe

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