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Expressions of Interest for the Provision of General Dental Services in Wellingborough & Rutland



*This is a Prior Information Notice*<br/><br/>NHS Arden and Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (AGCSU) on behalf of 5 Integrated Care Boards in the East Midlands Commissioning team and NHS Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board and NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board (The Commissioners) would like to notify the market of a potential upcoming opportunity to provide General Dental Services in Wellingborough & Rutland. Which will be used as a conduit to ascertain market capability and interest in the opportunity and help determine the appropriate way forward and to help inform the commissioners on which procurement process to carry out i.e. a Competitive Process or a Most Suitable Provider Process.<br/><br/>All interested providers are invited to participate in an early market assessment questionnaire.<br/><br/>The Commissioners would also like to provide interested providers with a link to a pre-recorded Market Engagement Event. If your organisation is interested in having access to this event, then please respond to the questions on Atamis and register your interest by following the instructions given below. The link will be shared by email to providers that have registered an interest on Monday 28th October 2024.<br/><br/>Please note this PIN closes 12:00PM (Mid-day) on Friday 25th October 2024. Lot 1: This notice is purely for providers to express an interest in the opportunity to provide General Dental Services in Wellingborough & Rutland. There will be two Lots for the consideration of providers and are detailed as per the below;<br/><br/>[Lot 1 - General Dental Services in Rutland]:<br/>The Provider will be required to deliver services from within 5 miles of LE15 6DH. Any distance outside of the 5-mile proximity will not be considered.<br/><br/>The contract is expected to start on 1st July 2025 and run until 30th June 2028 with an option for the commissioner to extend for a further 24 months until 30th June 2030.<br/><br/>The lifetime value of the contract is £1,537,414.22. All treatments will be provided under NHS arrangements and NHS fees charged as appropriate.<br/><br/>[Lot 2 - General Dental Services in Wellingborough]:<br/>The Provider will be required to deliver services from within 5 miles of NN8 4JJ. Any distance outside of the 5-mile proximity will not be considered.<br/><br/>The contract is expected to start on 1st July 2025 and run until 30th June 2028 with an option for the commissioner to extend for a further 24 months until 30th June 2030.<br/><br/>The estimated lifetime value of the contract is £1,756,582.37. All treatments will be provided under NHS arrangements and NHS fees charged as appropriate.<br/><br/>[Applicable for both Lots]:<br/>The services will comply with relevant regulations and statutory instruments including:<br/>• The National Health Service (Personal Dental Services Agreements) Regulations 2005<br/>• The National Health Service (Dental Charges) Regulations 2005<br/>• The Mental Capacity Act 2005<br/><br/>The service will comply with any new national policy and guidance as it is issued.<br/><br/>The service will comply with local policies, procedures and guidelines developed collaboratively through the Local Dental Network (LDN) and any relevant Managed Clinical Networks (MCNs) as these succeed and build on extant policies of the predecessor organisation, including:<br/>• Local oral health strategies and oral health promotion strategies or the equivalent<br/>• NHS commissioning strategies for primary care and specialist services or the equivalent<br/>• Local dental referral protocols<br/><br/>The service will also meet the requirements of the Care Quality Commission.<br/><br/>Please note the deadline for expressing an interest is 12:00PM (Mid-day) on Friday 25th October 2024. Additional information: It is the expectation of the commissioner that providers will review the specifications provided in order to inform their responses to the pre-market engagement questionnaire.<br/><br/>Please note the Contract Notice Publish date is only indicative at this time and is subject to change.


Publish date

5 months ago

Buyer information

NHS Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board

Stacey Thrower

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