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Market Intelligence Exercise: Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS) for Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB



NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB are currently considering future commissioning options regarding NHS Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS). The purpose of this advert is to invite the market to respond to a market intelligence exercise. Lot 1: NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB are currently considering future commissioning options regarding NHS Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS). NEPTS provides the non-urgent, planned transportation of Patients with a clinical need for NHS funded transportation to and from premises providing NHS healthcare and between NHS healthcare Providers. It includes both planned and on demand transportation, in line with any locally agreed Eligibility Policy. Within Nottinghamshire the NEPTS is part of an integrated care programme.<br/><br/>The purpose of this advert is to invite the market to respond to a market intelligence exercise. To facilitate this, Providers are invited to complete and submit a short questionnaire (available via the Atamis portal) to provide feedback on the financial aspects of the NEPTS service. A draft Service Specification detailing the requirements of the service which also contains anticipated indicative activity figures within Appendix C can be found within the attachments area of the project on Atamis portal. Please note, this is a draft Service Specification which may be subject to change.<br/><br/>To register your interest in this event please access project C327201 - Market Intelligence Exercise: Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service: Notts ICB via the Atamis portal:<br/>Please note the deadline for providing this feedback is 12pm on the 17th January 2025.<br/><br/>Please note this is a market testing exercise and does not commit the ICB to carry out a procurement process. Current services will remain in place during this period in line with existing contracts and service level agreements.


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3 months ago

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