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Net Zero Development Strategy



55,000 GBP


Leeds Trinity University has made commitments to achieve Net Zero (NZ) scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by 2030. This reflects our objectives to create a sustainable environment in all aspects of how and where we work and is a large programme within our emerging Sustainability Strategy. We require consultancy support to initially scope our NZ approach and work in partnership with us on our journey to develop our NZ programme. We propose a phased approach to this work with phase 1 covering scoping, baselining and planning. Further phases of work will be discussed with the successful supplier and may form part of this any agreement formed as a result of this tender exercise. it is expected that a single supplier is appointed to provide these services. The contract period is 1+1+1. Instruction and accessing the tender documents: The procurement will be conducted exclusively via the university's e-tendering website, where all documentation can be found and downloaded: Accessing a Tender Opportunity via the university's e-tendering website: Once you have created a supplier profile, to respond to an opportunity, click 'Response Manager' or 'View Invites and Responses'. You will then be presented with a list of all opportunities your organisation has previously work on and will be given the option of viewing current invites or entering the access code to begin responding to a new opportunity. Notes: Project: PFB054LTU Net Zero Development Strategy Access Code: F58GC739C8 Close Date: 12:00 on 04 July 2024


Publish date

9 months ago

Close date

8 months ago

Buyer information

Leeds Trinity University

Lyndsay Glasper

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