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Nurse Call System Servicing and Maintenance



The Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (The Trust) is conducting this request for information (RFI) exercise regarding the provision of a contract for both planned testing servicing and maintenance, as well as any reactive servicing, of the nurse call systems. The purpose of the contract is to enable the Trust to meet its needs as a provider of healthcare services. For example, enabling ward staff to respond quickly in event of a signal from patients for support or assistance.<br/><br/>Further information, including a supplier questionnaire, can be obtained via the Trust's e-tendering portal: <br/><br/><br/><br/>the deadline for responding to the RFI is 4pm on 31 January 2025. Lot 1: The primary remit of NHS organisations with regard to nurse call systems is the safety of patients. For all premises under its control, it is therefore critical that the Trust’s nurse call systems are effectively serviced and maintained. Whilst it is not a legal requirement to service nurse call systems, it is understood they must be regularly maintained to ensure continued functionality.<br/><br/>Without regular maintenance, the system can fail when needed, risking patients’ lives. In addition, lack of maintenance can result in false alarms, leading to staff becoming desensitised to the system and the associated risk they may ignore it when a real emergency occurs.<br/><br/>The Trust’s objectives are to maintain a high level of reliability and availability of its systems by operating a system of planned preventative maintenance, with response to call outs and call backs/breakdowns maintained at agreed performance levels, whilst ensuring value for money.<br/><br/> 1. The systems currently in situ at the Nottingham City Hospital consist primarily of Static Systems <br/> 2. The systems currently in situ at the queens Medical Centre consist of a mixture of Wandsworth, Ipin and Static Systems


Publish date

3 months ago

Buyer information

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Darren J. Statham

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