Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services - Repairs & Maintenance, Gas Servicing & Repair and Fire Safety Compliance Services Delivery Lotting Options Appraisal 2025
Portsmouth City Council (the 'Council') is undertaking a further Soft Market Testing (SMT) exercise following cabinet approval to outsource the Repairs & Maintenance and Gas Servicing and Repairs across the Council's managed building assets. The Council previously published a Prior Information Notice (PIN) under -Housing, Neighbourhood and Building Services - Repairs & Maintenance and Gas Servicing & Repair Delivery Options Appraisal, Portsmouth - https://www.find-tender.service.gov.uk/Notice/032496-2024?origin=SearchResults&p=1 The Council is responsible for managing a portfolio of properties that require regular repairs and maintenance, along with gas servicing to ensure safety, compliance, and efficiency to Council properties. The Council have published a PIN and subsequent associated documents under the current Public Contract Regulations 2015. However, the subsequent formal procurement will look to commence from the end of May 2025/early June 2025, at which point the forthcoming Procurement Act 2023 will have come into force legally. The Council's further options appraisal will assess market capacity, capability, and interest in delivering the required services under 4 lots, the current proposed structure of which is as follows. The options appraisal will place a particular focus on the structure of Lots 2 and 4 below - • Lot 1 - Repairs and Maintenance On-Island (Lot1A) and Repairs and Maintenance Off-Island (Lot 1B) (this is one lot with two separate contract awards to different suppliers) - estimated annual value from £14M to £18M per supplier, total value both suppliers of around £36M • Lot 2 - Repairs and Maintenance Corporate Assets - estimated annual value from £400k to £600k • Lot 3 - Gas Servicing and Repair - estimated annual value from £4M to £5M • Lot 4 - Fire Safety Compliance Services - estimated annual value from £500k to £1M The income figures included on the lots above are based on current known anticipated demands. The Council are reviewing the implications of the devolution process to Portsmouth and the wider Authorities and will look to future proof to any subsequent procurement process to include impacts in relation to economic development, supplier diversity and regulatory compliance. This will encompass considerations of the geographical location, scope of service, and value of the opportunity. For full details of the Council's formal report and associated appendices in seeking cabinet approval to continue with an outsourcing solution can be found using the following link - https://democracy.portsmouth.gov.uk/ieIssueDetails.aspx?IId=31340&PlanId=0&Opt=3#AI25498 To assist interested suppliers in understanding the proposed lotting options, the Council will be running a Microsoft Teams event on Wednesday 5th March 2025 at 15:00. Suppliers are encouraged but not obliged to complete an online survey. Completing the survey will help the Council to structure the lots and scope of service to allow the optimal means for suppliers, including SMEs, to participate in the subsequent procurement. For detail on how to access the survey suppliers should register on the Councils e-sourcing platform, Intend - https://in-tendhost.co.uk/portsmouthcc/aspx/home The Council are requesting the survey is completed by Wednesday 19th March 2025 by 12:00, any responses after this deadline may not be considered in the soft market testing report. Lot 1: Lot 1 - Repairs and Maintenance On-Island (Lot1A) and Repairs and Maintenance Off-Island (Lot 1B) Lot 1 - Repairs and Maintenance On-Island (Lot1A) and Repairs and Maintenance Off-Island (Lot 1B) (this is one lot with two separate contract awards to different suppliers) - estimated annual value from £14M to £18M per supplier, total value both suppliers of around £36M The income figures included on the lots above are based on current known anticipated demands. The current model for gas and repairs maintenance has been delivered with a single term service provider for gas, covering both on and off-island and two term service providers for repairs, with one covering on-island and one covering off-island. As both the gas contract and the two repair contracts are due to expire in March 2026 there is an opportunity to run the re-procurement of these concurrently and explore the possibility of obtaining value while aligning service priorities. The lotting arrangements and proposed core scope of services have been considered using the feedback provided from the initial Soft Market Testing questionnaire and to assist with the alignment of the service and are set out as follows: Lot 1 - Repairs and Maintenance On-Island (Lot1A) and Repairs and Maintenance Off-Island (Lot 1B) (this is one lot with two separate contract awards to different suppliers) o General Repairs and Maintenance o Electrical Installation Condition Report o Smoke/Heat Detector Checks o Asbestos Removal o Emergency Lighting o Domestic Extractor /Ventilation/Duct Checks o MVHR Testing and Repair o Asbestos Removal o Visual Electrical Checks o Visual Window Checks o Individual fire door installation/maintenance o Out of hours cover o Door entry o Warden Call o PV servicing/maintenance o Voids Works Suppliers will be able to bid for multiple lots with the exception that they cannot win both the Lot 1A Repairs and Maintenance On-Island and Lot 1B Repairs and Maintenance Off-Island. Notwithstanding the above exception, the Council reserves the right to award under any or a combination of lotting options i.e. the Council could award lots 1A, 2, 3 and 4 to a single contractor and lot 1B to a separate contractor. The Council are also considering restricting suppliers who are shortlisted to bid for either Lot 1A or Lot 1B, being shortlisted the lot 2 opportunity and vice versa. Suppliers will be asked to feedback on this consideration as part of the SMT questionnaire. In determining the contracting models, the Council have considered the feedback received from the initial Soft Market Testing as well considering the experience gained from previous models. It is proposed that the contracts to be used will be as follows: • Lot 1 - NEC 4 Option E: 5 years + potential 5-year extension The final contract arrangement has not been definitively set but is likely to be as set out above. Whilst the Council has identified its preferred model above, suppliers can provide feedback, with supporting rationale, as to any potential concerns. Lot 2: Lot 2 - Repairs and Maintenance Corporate Assets Lot 2 - Repairs and Maintenance Corporate Assets - estimated annual value from £400k to £600k The income figures included on the lots above are based on current known anticipated demands. The current model for gas and repairs maintenance has been delivered with a single term service provider for gas, covering both on and off-island and two term service providers for repairs, with one covering on-island and one covering off-island. As both the gas contract and the two repair contracts are due to expire in March 2026 there is an opportunity to run the re-procurement of these concurrently and explore the possibility of obtaining value while aligning service priorities. The lotting arrangements and proposed core scope of services have been considered using the feedback provided from the initial Soft Market Testing questionnaire and to assist with the alignment of the service and are set out as follows: Lot 2 - Repairs and Maintenance Corporate Assets o General Repairs and Maintenance o Electrical Installation Condition Reports o Asbestos Removal o Emergency Lighting Suppliers will be able to bid for multiple lots with the exception that they cannot win both the Lot 1A Repairs and Maintenance On-Island and Lot 1B Repairs and Maintenance Off-Island. Notwithstanding the above exception, the Council reserves the right to award under any or a combination of lotting options i.e. the Council could award lots 1A, 2, 3 and 4 to a single contractor and lot 1B to a separate contractor. The Council are also considering restricting suppliers who are shortlisted to bid for either Lot 1A or Lot 1B, being shortlisted the lot 2 opportunity and vice versa. Suppliers will be asked to feedback on this consideration as part of the SMT questionnaire. In determining the contracting models, the Council have considered the feedback received from the initial Soft Market Testing as well considering the experience gained from previous models. It is proposed that the contracts to be used will be as follows: • Lot 2 - NEC 4 Option E: 5 years + potential 5-year extension The final contract arrangement has not been definitively set but is likely to be as set out above. Whilst the Council has identified its preferred model above, suppliers can provide feedback, with supporting rationale, as to any potential concerns. Lot 3: Lot 3 - Gas Servicing and Repair Lot 3 - Gas Servicing and Repair - estimated annual value from £4M to £5M The income figures included on the lots above are based on current known anticipated demands. The current model for gas and repairs maintenance has been delivered with a single term service provider for gas, covering both on and off-island and two term service providers for repairs, with one covering on-island and one covering off-island. As both the gas contract and the two repair contracts are due to expire in March 2026 there is an opportunity to run the re-procurement of these concurrently and explore the possibility of obtaining value while aligning service priorities. The lotting arrangements and proposed core scope of services have been considered using the feedback provided from the initial Soft Market Testing questionnaire and to assist with the alignment of the service and are set out as follows: Lot 3 - Gas Servicing and Repair o Annual Gas Servicing o CO Detector Checks o Gas Boiler Installations o Gas Boiler and Heating Repairs o Voids Gas Safety Works o Out of hours cover Suppliers will be able to bid for multiple lots with the exception that they cannot win both the Lot 1A Repairs and Maintenance On-Island and Lot 1B Repairs and Maintenance Off-Island. Notwithstanding the above exception, the Council reserves the right to award under any or a combination of lotting options i.e. the Council could award lots 1A, 2, 3 and 4 to a single contractor and lot 1B to a separate contractor. In determining the contracting models, the Council have considered the feedback received from the initial Soft Market Testing as well considering the experience gained from previous models. It is proposed that the contracts to be used will be as follows: • Lot 3 - 3* Schedule of Rates: 5 years + potential 5-year extension The final contract arrangement has not been definitively set but is likely to be as set out above. Whilst the Council has identified its preferred model above, suppliers can provide feedback, with supporting rationale, as to any potential concerns. Lot 4: Lot 4 - Fire Safety Compliance Services Lot 4 - Fire Safety Compliance Services - estimated annual value from £500k to £1M The income figures included on the lots above are based on current known anticipated demands. The current model for gas and repairs maintenance has been delivered with a single term service provider for gas, covering both on and off-island and two term service providers for repairs, with one covering on-island and one covering off-island. As both the gas contract and the two repair contracts are due to expire in March 2026 there is an opportunity to run the re-procurement of these concurrently and explore the possibility of obtaining value while aligning service priorities. The lotting arrangements and proposed core scope of services have been considered using the feedback provided from the initial Soft Market Testing questionnaire and to assist with the alignment of the service and are set out as follows: Lot 4 - Fire Safety Compliance Services o Automatic Opening Vents Testing and Repairs o Fire Alarm Testing and Repairs o Lightening Conductor Testing and Repairs o Visual Fire Door Checks o Sprinkler Testing and Repair o Fire Damper Testing and Repair o Fire Extinguishers o Fire stopping o Smoke Vents o Out of hours cover o Evacuation alert system Suppliers will be able to bid for multiple lots with the exception that they cannot win both the Lot 1A Repairs and Maintenance On-Island and Lot 1B Repairs and Maintenance Off-Island. Notwithstanding the above exception, the Council reserves the right to award under any or a combination of lotting options i.e. the Council could award lots 1A, 2, 3 and 4 to a single contractor and lot 1B to a separate contractor. In determining the contracting models, the Council have considered the feedback received from the initial Soft Market Testing as well considering the experience gained from previous models. It is proposed that the contracts to be used will be as follows: • Lot 4 - NEC 4 Option A Priced Contract with Price List: 5 years + potential 5-year extension The final contract arrangement has not been definitively set but is likely to be as set out above. Whilst the Council has identified its preferred model above, suppliers can provide feedback, with supporting rationale, as to any potential concerns.
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a month ago
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Portsmouth City Council
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- procurement@portsmouthcc.gov.uk
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