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Request for Tender for the provision of Fencing, Guarding, Access Platforms & Stairs at Medite Europe DAC ‘22



The works comprise provision of machine fencing and guarding, alterations to access stairs & platforms, and ancillary works on the MDF Production Line 2 Outfeed. The production line will be in operation for the duration of the works which will require careful management by the successful contractor. The production line will does stop for approx. 8 hours every two weeks and works that cannot take place while the line is operational will have to be scheduled for these maintenance days. In so far as possible all fences, guards, access stairs or platforms should be prefabricated to the maximum possible extent with only installation taking place onsite. It should be noted from the outset that some works may have to take place outside of normal working hours, i.e., evenings & weekends. The successful tenderer shall be required to act as Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS) as per the requirements of the relevant health & safety legislation. The following safety information is enclosed to facilitate tenderers: - • Preliminary Health & Safety Plan prepared by PSDP in accordance with Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013,


Publish date

3 years ago

Close date

3 years ago

Buyer information

Medite Europe DAC

John Browne

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